@techreport{fdi:010078379, title = {{L}engguru 2017 expedition "{B}iodiversity assessment in reef twilight zone and cloud forests", {R}/{V} {A}iraha 2, 1st {O}ctober 2017 - 30th {N}ovember 2017, {K}aimana {R}egency, {W}est {P}apua, {I}ndonesia : mission report}, author = {{H}ocd{\'e}, {R}{\'e}gis and {V}imono, {I}.{B}. and {S}uruwaki, {A}.{M}. and {T}uti, {Y}. and {U}tama, {R}.{S}. and {M}ohammad, {A}. and {B}oli, {P}. and {A}shari, {H}. and {W}ikanta, {H}. and {J}uhel, {J}.{B}. and {C}ochet, {C}hristophe and {T}h{\'e}baud, {C}. and {M}ila, {B}. and {A}bdul, {G}. and {L}eblond, {J}. and {B}ahuet, {E}. and {D}iraimondo, {G}. and {F}romento, {B}. and {C}hevallard, {J}. and {S}umanta, ... and {P}ouyaud, {B}ernard and {K}adarusman, ... and {P}ouyaud, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he scientific {L}engguru 2017 {E}xpedition aimed at assessing the functional, genetic and morphological diversity of several marine biotas (reef fishes, echinoderms, hard corals, and gorgonians). {S}everal methods were implemented: observations, sampling with {DNA} barcoding inventory and morphological description, baited remote underwater video systems ({BRUVS}) and environmental {DNA}. {E}nvironmental measurements and opportunistic observations (marine mammals...) were also performed. {L}engguru 2017 focused also on the mountain avifauna prevailing in {K}aimana {R}egency ({L}engguru and {K}umawa). {E}xploration and sampling effort were concentrated for the marine part on several reef slopes located in front of {K}umawa and {L}engguru ranges, in and off shore of {T}riton {B}ay (from -100 m to the surface). {T}he expedition occurred between 1st {O}ctober 2017 and 30th {N}ovember 2017. {T}he fieldwork in {K}aimana {R}egency was done between 17th {O}ctober and 20th {N}ovember 2017 with the vessel ?{A}iraha 2'. {L}engguru 2017 was a joint expedition of {F}rance and {I}ndonesia {R}esearch {I}nstitutions.}, keywords = {{CAMPAGNE} {OCEANOGRAPHIQUE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {AVIFAUNE} ; {RECIF} {CORALLIEN} ; {FAUNE} {ICHTYOLOGIQUE} ; {INVERTEBRE} {AQUATIQUE} ; {INVENTAIRE} {FAUNISTIQUE} ; {BIODIVERSITE} ; {EXPEDITION} {SCIENTIFIQUE} ; {ECHINODERME} ; {PAPOUASIE} {NOUVELLE} {GUINEE} ; {INDONESIE} ; {LENGGURU} ; {KUMAWA}}, address = {{M}arseille}, publisher = {{IRD}}, series = {}, pages = {39 multigr.}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.23708/fdi:010078379}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078379}, }