@article{fdi:010078293, title = {{S}mall reservoirs, landscape changes and water quality in {S}ub-{S}aharan {W}est {A}frica [plus {S}upplementary materials]}, author = {{C}ecchi, {P}hilippe and {F}orkuor, {G}. and {C}ofie, {O}. and {L}alanne, {F}. and {P}oussin, {J}ean-{C}hristophe and {J}amin, {J}.{Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}mall reservoirs ({SR}s) are essential water storage infrastructures for rural populations of {S}ub-{S}aharan {W}est {A}frica. {I}n recent years, rapid population increase has resulted in unprecedented land use and land cover ({LULC}) changes. {O}ur study documents the impacts of such changes on the water quality of {SR}s in {B}urkina {F}aso. {M}ulti-temporal {L}andsat images were analyzed to determine {LULC} evolutions at various scales between 2002 and 2014. {P}opulation densities were calculated from downloaded 2014 population data. {I}n situ water samples collected in 2004/5 and 2014 from selected {SR}s were analyzed for {S}uspended {P}articulate {M}atter ({SPM}) loads, an integrative proxy for water quality. {T}he expansion of crop and artificial areas at the expense of natural covers controlled {LULC} changes over the period. {W}e found a very significant correlation between {SPM} loads and population densities calculated at a watershed scale. {A} general increase between the two sampling dates in the inorganic component of {SPM} loads, concomitant with a clear expansion of cropland areas at a local scale, was evidenced. {R}esults of the study suggest that two complementary but independent indicators (i.e., {LULC} changes within 5-km buffer areas around {SR}s and demographic changes at watershed scale), relevantly reflected the nature and intensity of overall pressures exerted by humans on their environment, and locally on aquatic ecosystems. {R}ecommendations related to the re-greening of peripheral areas around {SR}s in order to protect water bodies are suggested.}, keywords = {{QUALITE} {DE} {L}'{EAU} ; {ECHANTILLONNAGE} ; {RESERVOIR} ; {UTILISATION} {DU} {SOL} ; {EVOLUTION} ; {IMAGE} {SATELLITE} ; {FACTEUR} {ANTHROPIQUE} ; {CROISSANCE} {DEMOGRAPHIQUE} ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater}, volume = {12}, numero = {7}, pages = {art. 1967 [25 + 3 p.]}, ISSN = {2073-4441}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/w12071967}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078293}, }