@inproceedings{fdi:010078280, title = {{E}cho level segmentation on echo-integration of fisheries acoustics data [r{\'e}sum{\'e} de poster]}, author = {{P}errot, {Y}annick and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice and {B}ehagle, {N}olwenn and {M}ouget, {A}nne and {M}igayrou, {C}. and {R}oudaut, {G}ildas and {D}iogoul, {N}. and {S}arr{\'e}, {A}. and {L}ebourges {D}haussy, {A}nne}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n fisheries acoustics the analysis of data usually often concern biomass assessment mainly for small pelagic fish stocks using the well-known echointergration approach. {O}ther can concern the analysis of single fish using their target strength ({TS} in d{B}) and more seldom analysis can also be done with the fish school descriptors using e.g. shoal extraction method ({M}ovies+, {I}fremer {S}oftware). {I}n the framework of the {P}reface project we have focused on the micronektonic layers observed by scientific echosounder. {M}atecho, a friendly automatized processing method to extract information and perform echo-integration, fish shoal extraction and also performs a segmentation, on each zone of a cruise with a constant twilight, of the echointegrated echogram from an echo level threshold fixed by user to extract micronektonic layers in the water column. {H}ere we describe this methodology which allows an accurate description of the spatial organisation and structuration of the marine ecosystem. {T}he process is based on three main steps which consist in : (i) adjust the echo level threshold in d{B}, (ii) the extraction of the echoes inside each contours and the calculation of the layer descriptors, (iii) and then the correction of the extraction. {F}inally the echo segmentation, setup to extract micronektonic sound scattered layer, allows to get 34 layers descriptors, e.g., minimum/maximum depth (m), geographical position in 3{D}, maximum depth width (m), duration of the layer, surface covered by the layer, mean volume backscattering strength '{S}v' (d{B} re 1 m-1)': mean nautical area scattered coefficient '{S}a' (or {NASC} m2 nmi-2), to characterise their spatial position in the water column and acoustics properties. {M}oreover, a second class of descriptors, classified by elementary sampling unit ({ESU}), are estimated e.g. number of layer per {ESU}, layer depth per {ESU}. {A}n innovative descriptor is also computed using this methodological approach: the water column fulling rate per layer and per {ESU}. {B}oth classes of descriptors are then available for ecological studies.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {151}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2017 and 2018 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2019}, ISBN = {978-9553602-0-06}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078280}, }