@article{fdi:010078165, title = {{R}eal-time {RT}-{PCR} assay to detect {G}ranada virus and the related {M}assilia and {A}rrabida phleboviruses}, author = {{D}avo, {L}. and {H}errero, {L}. and {S}anchez-{S}eco, {M}. {P}. and {L}abiod, {N}. and {R}oiz, {D}avid and {G}omez-{D}iaz, {E}. and {H}ernandez, {L}. and {F}iguerola, {J}. and {V}azquez, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {G}ranada virus belongs to the genus {P}hlebovirus within the {N}aples serocomplex and was detected for the first time in sand flies from {S}pain in 2003. {S}eroprevalence studies have revealed that {G}ranada virus may infect humans with most cases being asymptomatic. {M}oreover, recent studies in vector samples revealed that the related {M}assilia and {A}rrabida phleboviruses could be also circulating in {S}pain. {T}he objective of this study was to develop and assess a new sensitive real-time {RT}-{PCR} assay for {G}ranada virus diagnosis able to detect the related phleboviruses {M}assilia and {A}rrabida. {M}ethods {T}wo specific primers and one unique probe to detect {G}ranada, {M}assilia and {A}rrabida viruses, without differentiating between them, were designed targeting the conserved {L}-segment of their genome. {S}ensitivity was assessed using 10-fold serial dilutions of quantified in vitro {DNA} samples. {S}pecificity was evaluated by testing different genomic {RNA} extracted from other representative phleboviruses. {T}he new assay was used for virus detection in sand flies collected in 2012 from the {B}alearic {A}rchipelago, a touristic hotspot in the {M}editerranean. {R}esults {T}he real-time {RT}-{PCR} assay exhibited a sensitivity per reaction of 19 copies for {G}ranada and {A}rrabida, and 16 copies for {M}assilia. {N}o other related phleboviruses were detected. {F}rom the 37 pools of sand fly samples studied from four different {B}alearic {I}slands, we detected one positive in the island of {C}abrera. {C}onclusions {T}o our knowledge, the method described here is the first real-time {RT}-{PCR} designed to detect {G}ranada virus and the related {M}assilia and {A}rrabida phleboviruses. {T}he study demonstrated that this is a rapid, robust and reliable assay for the accurate diagnosis of human infections as well as for virus surveillance in vectors.}, keywords = {{R}eal-time {RT}-{PCR} ; {G}ranada virus ; {M}assilia virus ; {A}rrabida virus ; {D}iagnosis ; {S}urveillance}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {13}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 270 [7 p.]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-020-04110-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078165}, }