@article{fdi:010078057, title = {{D}evelopment and characterization of 20 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the white-bellied pangolin {P}hataginus tricuspis ({M}ammalia, {P}holidota)}, author = {{A}guillon, {S}. and {D}ipita, {A}. {D}. and {L}ecompte, {E}. and {M}issoup, {A}. {D}. and {T}indo, {M}. and {G}aubert, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}angolins, or scaly anteaters, have recently been flagshiped as one of the most illegally traded mammals, and as a corollary, as potential intermediate hosts at the origin of the {COVID}-19 pandemic. {I}n order to improve the traceability of their trade, we developed 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the white-bellied pangolin ({P}hataginus tricuspis), the species most frequently found on {A}frican bushmeat markets. {W}e genotyped 24 white-bellied pangolins from the {D}ouala market, {C}ameroon, originating from the {E}bo forest c. 75 km north-east of {D}ouala. {T}he number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 12 (mean = 6.95), and mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.592 (0.208-0.875) and 0.671 (0.469-0.836), respectively. {G}enetic diversity was higher than that cross-estimated from microsatellite loci developed for other species of pangolins. {T}wo loci deviated from {H}ardy-{W}einberg equilibrium and two loci showed linkage disequilibrium. {G}enetic variance ({PC}o{A}) was increased with the addition of 13 pangolins of unknown origin, possibly suggesting that the {D}ouala market is fed from differentiated source populations of white-bellied pangolins. {E}ach of the 37 individuals had a unique multilocus genotype. {T}he unbiased probability of identity (u{PI}) and the probability of identity among siblings ({PI}sibs) were both very low (u{PI} = 8.443 e-21; {PI}sibs = 1.011 e-07). {O}nly five microsatellite loci were needed to reach the conservative value of {PI}sibs < 0.01, overall indicating a powerful discriminating power of our combined loci. {T}hese 20 newly developed microsatellite loci might prove useful in tracing the local-to-global trade of the white-bellied pangolin, and will hopefully contribute to the {DNA}-assisted implementation of future conservation strategies at reasonable costs.}, keywords = {{P}angolins ; {P}hataginus tricuspis ; {B}ushmeat ; {M}icrosatellite loci ; {I}llegal ; wildlife trade ; {C}ameroon ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {B}iology {R}eports}, volume = {47}, numero = {6}, pages = {4827--4833}, ISSN = {0301-4851}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s11033-020-05511-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078057}, }