@article{fdi:010078042, title = {{S}andfly surveillance and investigation of {L}eishmania spp. {DNA} in sandflies in {K}osovo}, author = {{V}aselek, {S}. and {O}guz, {G}. and {A}yhan, {N}azli and {O}zbel, {Y}. and {K}adriaj, {P}. and {C}upina, {A}. {I}. and {V}elo, {E}. and {M}uja, {N}. and {B}aymak, {D}. and {A}lishani, {M}. and {T}oz, {S}. and {N}alcaci, {M}. and {S}herifi, {K}. and {C}harrel, {R}. and {A}lten, {B}. and {P}etric, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the past decade, leishmaniasis seems to be re-emerging in {B}alkan countries. {T}here are serious implications that {K}osovo is a visceral leishmaniasis endemic region with autochthonous transmission; nevertheless, surveillance of vectors, reservoirs or the disease is not yet established. {G}aining knowledge about sandfly vector species is a prerequisite for the development of a monitoring and control plan in the future. {A}fter a long gap in research of over 70 years, sandfly studies in {K}osovo were resumed in 2014. {D}uring this presence/absence study, nine sandfly species were detected: {P}hlebotomus papatasi, {P}h. perfiliewi, {P}h. tobbi, {P}h. neglectus, {P}h. simici, {P}h. balcanicus, {P}h. alexandri, {P}h. mascittii and {S}ergentomyia minuta. {T}hree species are new with regard to the fauna of {K}osovo - {P}h. alexandri, {P}h. balcanicus and {P}h. mascittii. {B}esides increased diversity, changes in the number of collected specimens and distribution range of species were recorded, with {P}h. neglectus being the most dominant species with the widest distribution. {T}esting of randomly chosen females for {L}eishmania spp. {DNA} resulted the in detection of {L}. tropica in a specimen of {P}h. neglectus. {T}he presence of numerous vector species in the sandfly fauna of {K}osovo pose a threat for the re-emergence of vector-borne diseases. {T}herefore, continuous surveillance is recommended with regular updates on vector distribution and abundance.}, keywords = {{L}eishmania tropica ; {P}hlebotomus ; {K}osovo ; sandfly ; {BALKANS} ; {KOSOVO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}edical and {V}eterinary {E}ntomology}, volume = {34}, numero = {4}, pages = {394--401}, ISSN = {0269-283{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/mve.12451}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078042}, }