@article{fdi:010078033, title = {{C}omparing video and poster based education for improving 6-17 months children feeding practices : a cluster randomized trial in rural {B}enin}, author = {{B}odjrenou, {F}. {S}. {U}. and {H}ounkpatin, {W}. {A}. and {M}itchodigni, {I}. and {S}alako, {V}. and {K}akai, {R}. {G}. and {D}adele, {Y}. and {B}ouzitou, {G}. {N}. and {S}chneider, {L}. and {M}utanen, {M}. and {S}avy, {M}athilde and {K}ennedy, {G}. and {H}ounhouigan, {J}. {D}. and {T}ermote, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective: {T}his study aimed to assess whether short nutrition educational videos were more effective to improve child feeding practices compared to posters in a highly food insecure rural area in {S}outhern {B}enin. {M}aterials and {M}ethods: {A} two-arm cluster-randomized trial was implemented in two districts of the {M}ono region, {B}enin. {O}ver a 6 month period, eight villages received nutrition education sessions using either short videos (n=4 villages) or posters and flyers (n=4 villages). {D}ietary practices were collected among 6-17 months children (n=155) before and at the end of the nutrition education program using a qualitative 24 hours recall. {UNICEF}/{WHO} indicators for dietary diversification and meal frequency assessing were derived for each child. {T}he videos versus poster effect was assessed by the difference-in-differences ({DID}) estimator using generalized estimated equations ({GEE}). {R}esults: {O}verall, respectively 49% and 72% of children had achieved {M}inimum {D}ietary {D}iversity ({MDD}) and {M}inimum {M}eal {F}requency ({MMF}) at baseline. {R}esults from {DID} analysis showed that videos did not have significant advantage in terms of improving children compared to posters neither for dietary diversity ({DID} = -0,036; p-value=0,651) nor for meal frequency ({DID} = -0,048; pvalue=0,574). {H}owever, others factors namely children age, mother age and districts, had significant influence on these feeding practices. {C}onclusions: {T}he nutrition education program using posters and videos performed the same in improving complementary feeding practices. {T}he conditions of the utilisation of videos might be improved and other factors determining children feeding practices taken into account to allow mothers and other participants to benefit from nutrition sessions.}, keywords = {nutrition education ; communication ; complementary feeding practices ; dietary diversity ; meal frequency ; 6-23 months children ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}rogress in {N}utrition}, volume = {22}, numero = {1}, pages = {330--342}, ISSN = {1129-8723}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.23751/pn.v22i1.9177}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078033}, }