@article{fdi:010078007, title = {{S}eed comparative genomics in three coffee species identify desiccation tolerance mechanisms in intermediate seeds}, author = {{S}tavrinides, {A}. {K}. and {D}ussert, {S}t{\'e}phane and {C}ombes, {M}arie-{C}hristine and {F}ock-{B}astide, {I}. and {S}everac, {D}. and {M}inier, {J}. and {B}astos-{S}iqueira, {A}. and {D}emolombe, {V}. and {H}em, {S}. and {L}ashermes, {P}hilippe and {J}o{\¨e}t, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n contrast to desiccation-tolerant 'orthodox' seeds, so-called 'intermediate' seeds cannot survive complete drying and are short-lived. {A}ll species of the genus {C}offea produce intermediate seeds, but they show a considerable variability in seed desiccation tolerance ({DT}), which may help to decipher the molecular basis of seed {DT} in plants. {W}e performed a comparative transcriptome analysis of developing seeds in three coffee species with contrasting desiccation tolerance. {S}eeds of all species shared a major transcriptional switch during late maturation that governs a general slow-down of metabolism. {H}owever, numerous key stress-related genes, including those coding for the late embryogenesis abundant protein {EM}6 and the osmosensitive calcium channel {ERD}4, were up-regulated during {DT} acquisition in the two species with high seed {DT}, {C}. arabica and {C}. eugenioides. {B}y contrast, we detected up-regulation of numerous genes involved in the metabolism, transport, and perception of auxin in {C}. canephora seeds with low {DT}. {M}oreover, species with high {DT} showed a stronger down-regulation of the mitochondrial machinery dedicated to the tricarboxylic acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. {A}ccordingly, respiration measurements during seed dehydration demonstrated that intermediate seeds with the highest {DT} are better prepared to cease respiration and avoid oxidative stresses.}, keywords = {{C}offea ; dehydration ; desiccation tolerance ; intermediate seeds ; late maturation ; metabolic quiescence ; respiration ; seed development ; transcriptome}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {B}otany}, volume = {71}, numero = {4}, pages = {1418--1433}, ISSN = {0022-0957}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1093/jxb/erz508}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078007}, }