@article{fdi:010077985, title = {{C}orrelations between microbial population dynamics, bam{A} gene abundance and performance of anaerobic sequencing batch reactor ({ASBR}) treating increasing concentrations of phenol}, author = {{F}ranchi, {O}. and {C}abrol, {L}{\'e}a and {C}hamy, {R}. and {R}osenkranz, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he relevant microorganims driving efficiency changes in anaerobic digestion of phenol remains uncertain. {I}n this study correlations were established between microbial population and the process performance in an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor ({ASBR}) treating increasing concentrations of phenol (from 120 to 1200 mg {L}-1). {S}ludge samples were taken at different operational stages and microbial community dynamics was analyzed by 16{S} r{RNA} sequencing. {I}n addition, bam{A} gene was quantified in order to evaluate the dynamics of anaerobic aromatic degraders. {T}he microbial community was dominated by {A}naerolineae, {B}acteroidia, {C}lostridia, and {M}ethanobacteria classes. {C}orrelation analysis between bam{A} gene copy number and phenol concentration were highly significant, suggesting that the increase of aromatic degraders targeted by bam{A} assay was due to an increase in the amount of phenol degraded over time. {T}he incremental phenol concentration affected hydrogenotrophic archaea triggering a linear decrease of {M}ethanobacterium and the growth of {M}ethanobrevibacter. {T}he best performance in the reactor was at 800 mg {L}-1 of phenol. {A}t this stage, the highest relative abundances of {S}yntrophorhabdus, {C}hloroflexus, {S}mithella, {M}ethanolinea and {M}ethanosaeta were observed and correlated positively with initial degradation rate, suggesting that these microorganisms are relevant players to maintain a good performance in the {ASBR}.}, keywords = {{A}naerobic digestion ; bam{A} gene ; {I}llumina sequencing ; {M}icrobial community ; {P}henol}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}iotechnology}, volume = {310}, numero = {}, pages = {40--48}, ISSN = {0168-1656}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jbiotec.2020.01.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077985}, }