@article{fdi:010077961, title = {{CHLSOC} : the {C}hilean {S}oil {O}rganic {C}arbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort [{D}ata {P}aper]}, author = {{P}feiffer, {M}. and {P}adarian, {J}. and {O}sorio, {R}. and {B}ustamante, {N}. and {O}lmedo, {G}. {F}. and {G}uevara, {M}. and {A}burto, {F}. and {A}lbornoz, {F}. and {A}ntilen, {M}. and {A}raya, {E}. and {A}rellano, {E}. and {B}arret, {M}. and {B}arrera, {J}. and {B}oeckx, {P}. and {B}riceno, {M}. and {B}unning, {S}. and {C}abrol, {L}{\'e}a and {C}asanova, {M}. and {C}ornejo, {P}. and {C}orradini, {F}. and {C}uraqueo, {G}. and {D}oetterl, {S}. and {D}uran, {P}. and {E}scudey, {M}. and {E}spinoza, {A}. and {F}rancke, {S}. and {F}uentes, {J}. {P}. and {F}uentes, {M}. and {G}ajardo, {G}. and {G}arcia, {R}. and {G}allaud, {A}. and {G}alleguillos, {M}. and {G}omez, {A}. and {H}idalgo, {M}. and {I}velic-{S}aez, {J}. and {M}ashalaba, {L}. and {M}atus, {F}. and {M}eza, {F}. and {M}ora, {M}. {D}. and {M}ora, {J}. and {M}unnoz, {C}. and {N}orambuena, {P}. and {O}livera, {C}. and {O}valle, {C}. and {P}anichini, {M}. and {P}auchard, {A}. and {P}erez-{Q}uezada, {J}. {F}. and {R}adic, {S}. and {R}amirez, {J}. and {R}iveras, {N}. and {R}uiz, {G}. and {S}alazar, {O}. and {S}algado, {I}. and {S}eguel, {O}. and {S}epulveda, {M}. and {S}ierra, {C}. and {T}apia, {Y}. and {T}apia, {F}. and {T}oledo, {B}. and {T}orrico, {J}. {M}. and {V}alle, {S}. and {V}argas, {R}. and {W}olff, {M}. and {Z}agal, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} critical aspect of predicting soil organic carbon ({SOC}) concentrations is the lack of available soil information; where information on soil characteristics is available, it is usually focused on regions of high agricultural interest. {T}o date, in {C}hile, a large proportion of the {SOC} data have been collected in areas of intensive agricultural or forestry use; however, vast areas beyond these forms of land use have few or no soil data available. {H}ere we present a new {SOC} database for the country, which is the result of an unprecedented national effort under the framework of the {G}lobal {S}oil {P}artnership. {T}his partnership has helped build the largest database of {SOC} to date in {C}hile, named the {C}hilean {S}oil {O}rganic {C}arbon database ({CHLSOC}), comprising 13 612 data points compiled from numerous sources, including unpublished and difficult-to-access data. {T}he database will allow users to fill spatial gaps where no {SOC} estimates were publicly available previously. {P}resented values of {SOC} range from 6 x 10(-5) % to 83.3 %, reflecting the variety of ecosystems that exist in {C}hile. {T}he database has the potential to inform and test current models that predict {SOC} stocks and dynamics at larger spatial scales, thus enabling benefits from the richness of geochemical, topographic and climatic variability in {C}hile. {T}he database is freely available to registered users at}, keywords = {{CHILI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth {S}ystem {S}cience {D}ata}, volume = {12}, numero = {1}, pages = {457--468}, ISSN = {1866-3508}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.5194/essd-12-457-2020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077961}, }