@article{fdi:010077958, title = {{E}valuation of 23 gridded precipitation datasets across {W}est {A}frica}, author = {{S}atg{\'e}, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {D}efrance, {D}imitri and {S}ultan, {B}enjamin and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {S}eyler, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}rique and {R}ouch{\'e}, {N}athalie and {P}ierron, {F}. and {P}aturel, {J}ean-{E}mmanuel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study aims reporting on 23 gridded precipitation datasets ({P}-datasets) reliability across {W}est {A}frica through direct comparisons with rain gauges measurement at the daily and monthly time scales over a 4 years period (2000-2003). {A}ll {P}-datasets reliability vary in space and time. {T}he most efficient {P}-dataset in term of {K}ling-{G}upta {E}fficiency ({KGE}) changes at the local scale and the {P}-dataset performance is sensitive to seasonal effects. {S}atellite-based {P}-datasets performed better during the wet than the dry season whereas the opposite is observed for reanalysis {P}-datasets. {T}he best overall performance was obtained for {MSWEP} v.2.2 and {CHIRPS} v.2 for daily and monthly time-step, respectively. {P}art of the differences in {P}-dataset performance at daily and monthly time step comes from the time step used to proceed the gauges adjustment ({L}e day or month) and from a mismatch between gauge and satellite reporting times. {I}n comparison to the others {P}-datasets, {TMPA}-{A}dj v.7 reliability is stable and reach the second highest {KGE} value at both daily and monthly time step. {R}eanalysis {P}-datasets ({WFDEI}, {MERRA}-2, {JRA}-55, {ERA}-{I}nterim) present among the lowest statistical scores at the daily time step, which drastically increased at the monthly time step for {WFDEI} and {MERRA}-2. {T}he non-adjusted {P}-datasets were the less efficient, but, their near-real time availability should be helpful for risk forecast studies (i.e. {GSM}a{P}-{RT} v.6). {T}he results of this study give important elements to select the most adapted {P}-dataset for specific application across {W}est {A}frica.}, keywords = {{P}recipitation datasets ; {R}eliability ; {W}est {A}frica ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {581}, numero = {}, pages = {124412 [19 ]}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124412}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077958}, }