@article{fdi:010077913, title = {{I}mpact of ocean acidification on the metabolome of the brown macroalgae {L}obophora rosacea from {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{G}aubert, {J}. and {R}odolfo-{M}etalpa, {R}iccardo and {G}reff, {S}. and {T}homas, {O}. {P}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}acroalgae are critical components of coral reef ecosystems. {Y}et, they compete for space with corals, and in case of environmental disturbances, they are increasingly involved in phase-shifts from coral-dominated to macroalgae-dominated reefs. {A}s regard to climate change, ocean acidification ({OA}) has been shown to be detrimental to corals and could favor macroalgal proliferations. {H}owever, little is known about the effects of {OA} on macroalgal phenotypes. {C}omparative metabolomic studies are particularly relevant to assess phenotypic responses of macroalgae to stress as some seaweed are known to produce a large diversity of specialized metabolites involved in various ecological functions. {T}he main aim of our study was to explore the impact of {OA} on the metabolome of brown macroalgae using {L}obophora rosacea as a model species. {T}his species is widespread in {N}ew {C}aledonian lagoons where it is a key component of coral-algal interactions. {M}etabolomic changes were analyzed using {L}iquid {C}hromatography-{M}ass {S}pectrometry ({UPLC}-{HRMS}) applied to three different {OA} scenarii: low and variable p{H} over a long-term timescale (in situ at {B}ourake), low and constant p{H} over a short-term timescale (ex situ experiment), and current p{H} (control). {D}ifferent metabotypes were defined in diverse p{H} conditions, and a significant decrease in some specialized metabolites concentrations was noticed at low p{H} including lobophorenols {B} and {C} as well as other oxylipin derivatives. {W}e suggest a down-regulation of metabolic pathways involving lobophorenols, in low p{H} conditions, or their transformation, which is in accordance with the optimal defense theory. {I}n addition, we used {M}icrotox ({R}) bioassays as a proxy for macroalgal toxicity and found no significant differences between low p{H} and control samples. {T}his study details the first metabolomic-based study on a fleshy macroalgae in response to {OA} and provides new insights for this important functional group producing a large number of metabolites in response to their close environment.}, keywords = {{B}rown macroalgae ; {LC}-{MS} ; {M}etabolomics ; {O}cean acidification ; {S}pecialized metabolites ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}lgal {R}esearch-{B}iomass {B}iofuels and {B}ioproducts}, volume = {46}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 101783 [11 ]}, ISSN = {2211-9264}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.algal.2019.101783}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077913}, }