@article{fdi:010077904, title = {{A} thirteen-million-year divergence between two lineages of {I}ndonesian coelacanths}, author = {{K}adarusman, and {S}ugeha, {H}. {Y}. and {P}ouyaud, {L}aurent and {H}ocd{\'e}, {R}{\'e}gis and {H}ismayasari, {I}. {B}. and {G}unaisah, {E}. and {W}idiarto, {S}. {B}. and {A}rafat, {G}. and {W}idyasari, {F}. and {M}ouillot, {D}. and {P}aradis, {E}mmanuel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oelacanth fishes of the genus {L}atimeria are the only surviving representatives of a basal lineage of vertebrates that originated more than 400 million years ago. {Y}et, much remains to be unveiled about the diversity and evolutionary history of these 'living fossils' using new molecular data, including the possibility of 'cryptic' species or unknown lineages. {H}ere, we report the discovery of a new specimen in eastern {I}ndonesia allegedly belonging to the species {L}. menadoensis. {A}lthough this specimen was found about 750km from the known geographical distribution of the species, we found that the molecular divergence between this specimen and others of {L}. menadoensis was great: 1.8% compared to 0.04% among individuals of {L}. chalumnae, the other living species of coelacanth. {M}olecular dating analyses suggested a divergence date of ca. 13 million years ago between the two populations of {I}ndonesian coelacanths. {W}e elaborate a biogeographical scenario to explain the observed genetic divergence of {I}ndonesian coelacanth populations based on oceanic currents and the tectonic history of the region over {M}iocene to recent. {W}e hypothesize that several populations of coelacanths are likely to live further east of the present capture location, with potentially a new species that remains to be described. {B}ased on this, we call for an international effort to take appropriate measures to protect these fascinating but vulnerable vertebrates which represent among the longest branches on the {T}ree of {L}ife.}, keywords = {{INDONESIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {10}, numero = {1}, pages = {192 [9 ]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-019-57042-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077904}, }