@article{fdi:010077903, title = {{C}ommon gardens in teosintes reveal the establishment of a syndrome of adaptation to altitude}, author = {{F}ustier, {M}. {A}. and {M}artinez-{A}insworth, {N}. {E}. and {A}guirre-{L}iguori, {J}. {A}. and {V}enon, {A}. and {C}orti, {H}. and {R}ousselet, {A}. and {D}umas, {F}. and {D}ittberner, {H}. and {C}amarena, {M}. {G}. and {G}rimanelli, {D}aniel and {O}vaskainen, {O}. and {F}alque, {M}. and {M}oreau, {L}. and de {M}eaux, {J}. and {M}ontes-{H}ernandez, {S}. and {E}guiarte, {L}. {E}. and {V}igouroux, {Y}ves and {M}anicacci, {D}. and {T}enaillon, {M}. {I}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n plants, local adaptation across species range is frequent. {Y}et, much has to be discovered on its environmental drivers, the underlying functional traits and their molecular determinants. {G}enome scans are popular to uncover outlier loci potentially involved in the genetic architecture of local adaptation, however links between outliers and phenotypic variation are rarely addressed. {H}ere we focused on adaptation of teosinte populations along two elevation gradients in {M}exico that display continuous environmental changes at a short geographical scale. {W}e used two common gardens, and phenotyped 18 traits in 1664 plants from 11 populations of annual teosintes. {I}n parallel, we genotyped these plants for 38 micro-satellite markers as well as for 171 outlier single nucleotide polymorphisms ({SNP}s) that displayed excess of allele differentiation between pairs of lowland and highland populations and/or correlation with environmental variables. {O}ur results revealed that phenotypic differentiation at 10 out of the 18 traits was driven by local selection. {T}rait covariation along the elevation gradient indicated that adaptation to altitude results from the assembly of multiple co-adapted traits into a complex syndrome: as elevation increases, plants flower earlier, produce less tillers, display lower stomata density and carry larger, longer and heavier grains. {T}he proportion of outlier {SNP}s associating with phenotypic variation, however, largely depended on whether we considered a neutral structure with 5 genetic groups (73.7%) or 11 populations (13.5%), indicating that population stratification greatly affected our results. {F}inally, chromosomal inversions were enriched for both {SNP}s whose allele frequencies shifted along elevation as well as phenotypically-associated {SNP}s. {A}ltogether, our results are consistent with the establishment of an altitudinal syndrome promoted by local selective forces in teosinte populations in spite of detectable gene flow. {B}ecause elevation mimics climate change through space, {SNP}s that we found underlying phenotypic variation at adaptive traits may be relevant for future maize breeding.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {G}enetics}, volume = {15}, numero = {12}, pages = {e1008512 [34 p.]}, ISSN = {1553-7404}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pgen.1008512}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077903}, }