@article{fdi:010077840, title = {{A} large-scale species level dated angiosperm phylogeny for evolutionary and ecological analyses}, author = {{J}anssens, {S}. {B}. and {C}ouvreur, {T}homas and {M}ertens, {A}. and {D}auby, {G}illes and {D}agallier, {L}pmj and {V}anden {A}beele, {S}. and {V}andelook, {F}. and {M}ascarello, {M}. and {B}eeckman, {H}. and {S}osef, {M}. and {D}roissart, {V}incent and van der {B}ank, {M}. and {M}aurin, {O}. and {H}awthorne, {W}. and {M}arshall, {C}. and {R}{\'e}jou-{M}{\'e}chain, {M}axime and {B}eina, {D}. and {B}aya, {F}. and {M}erckx, {V}. and {V}erstraete, {B}. and {H}ardy, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}hylogenies are a central and indispensable tool for evolutionary and ecological research. {E}ven though most angiosperm families are well investigated from a phylogenetic point of view, there are far less possibilities to carry out large-scale meta-analyses at order level or higher. {H}ere, we reconstructed a large-scale dated phylogeny including nearly 1/8th of all angiosperm species, based on two plastid barcoding genes, mat{K} (incl. trn{K}) and rbc{L}. {N}ovel sequences were generated for several species, while the rest of the data were mined from {G}en{B}ank. {T}he resulting tree was dated using 56 angiosperm fossils as calibration points. {T}he resulting megaphylogeny is one of the largest dated phylogenetic tree of angiosperms yet, consisting of 36,101 sampled species, representing 8,399 genera, 426 families and all orders. {T}his novel framework will be useful for investigating different broad scale research questions in ecological and evolutionary biology.}, keywords = {phylogeny ; angiosperms ; large-scale dating analyses ; evolution ; ecology}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iodiversity {D}ata {J}ournal}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. {E}39677 [23 ]}, ISSN = {1314-2836}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3897/{BDJ}.8.e39677}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077840}, }