@article{fdi:010077835, title = {{N}ext-generation sequencing on insectivorous bat guano : an accurate tool to identify arthropod viruses of potential agricultural concern}, author = {{B}ourgarel, {M}. and {N}oel, {V}. and {P}fukenyi, {D}. and {M}ichaux, {J}. and {A}ndre, {A}. and {B}ecquart, {P}ierre and {C}erqueira, {F}. and {B}arrachina, {C}. and {B}oue, {V}. and {T}alignani, {L}. and {M}atope, {G}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {M}orand, {S}. and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}iruses belonging to the {D}icistroviridae family have attracted a great deal of attention from scientists owing to their negative impact on agricultural economics, as well as their recent identification as potential aetiological agents of febrile illness in human patients. {O}n the other hand, some {D}icistroviruses are also studied for their potential biopesticide properties. {T}o date, {D}icistrovirus characterized in {A}frican mainland remain scarce. {B}y using {H}igh-{T}hroughput {S}equencing technology on insectivorous bat faeces ({H}ipposideros {C}affer) sampled in a cave used by humans to collect bat guano (bat manure) as fertilizer in {Z}imbabwe, we characterized the full-length sequences of three {D}icistrovirus belonging to the {C}ripavirus and {A}paravirus genus: {B}ig {S}ioux {R}iver {V}irus-{L}ike ({BSRV}-{L}ike), {A}cute {B}ee {P}aralysis {V}irus ({ABPV}), and {A}phid {L}ethal {P}aralysis {V}irus ({ALPV}). {P}hylogenetic analyses of {ORF}-1 and {ORF}-2 genes showed a complex evolutionary history between {BSRV} and close viruses, as well as for the {A}paravirus genus. {H}erewith, we provide the first evidence of the presence of {D}icistrovirus in {Z}imbabwe and highlight the need to further document the impact of such viruses on crops, as well as in beekeeping activities in {Z}imbabwe which represent a crucial source of income for {Z}imbabwean people.}, keywords = {{D}icistrovirus ; {B}ats ; {F}aeces ; {P}hylogeny ; {HTS} ; {Z}imbabwe ; {ZIMBABWE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}iruses}, volume = {11}, numero = {12}, pages = {art. 1102 [14 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/v11121102}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077835}, }