@article{fdi:010077740, title = {{E}ffectiveness of a locally produced ready-to-use supplementary food in preventing growth faltering for children under 2 years in {C}ambodia : a cluster randomised controlled trial}, author = {{B}org, {B}. and {S}ok, {D}. and {M}ihrshahi, {S}. and {G}riffin, {M}. and {C}hamnan, {C}. and {B}erger, {J}acques and {L}aillou, {A}. and {R}oos, {N}. and {W}ieringa, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his cluster randomised controlled trial tested the effectiveness of a locally produced, fish-based, ready-to-use supplementary food ({RUSF}) to prevent growth faltering (decline in z-scores). {C}ambodian infants (n= 485), aged 6 to 11 months, were randomised by site to receive the {RUSF}, {C}orn-{S}oy {B}lend++ ({CSB}++), micronutrient powders ({MNP}), or no supplement (control). {T}he intervention was for 6 months. {I}n unadjusted analysis, the control group had statistically significantly decreased weight-for-age z-scores ({WAZ}; -0.02, 95%{CI} = -0.03 - -0.01, {P}= 0.001) and height-for-age z-scores ({HAZ}; -0.07, 95%{CI} = -0.09 - -0.05, {P} < 0.001), and increased mid-upper arm-circumference ({MUAC}; 0.02cm, 95%{CI} = 0.01 - 0.04, {P} = 0.010), but no statistically significant change in weight-for-height z-scores ({WHZ}). {T}he {RUSF} group did not differ significantly from the control for {WAZ}, {HAZ} or {WHZ} (in other words, {WAZ} and {HAZ} decreased and {WHZ} did not change), but had increased {MUAC} in comparison to the control (0.04cm, 95%{CI} = 0.01 - 0.06, {P} = 0.008). {T}here were no statistically significant differences between the {RUSF} group and the {CSB}++ or {MNP} groups with respect to {WAZ}, {HAZ}, {WHZ} or {MUAC}. {I}nterestingly, in adjusted analysis, low consumers of {RUSF} had increased {WAZ}, {WHZ} and {MUAC} (0.03, 95%{CI} = 0.01-0.06, {P} = 0.006; 0.04, 95%{CI} = 0.01-0.08, {P} = 0.026; and 0.05cm, 95%{CI} = 0.02-0.09, {P} = 0.004, respectively) compared with the control. {T}he novel {RUSF}, particularly in small quantities, protected against ponderal growth faltering, but the improvements were of limited clinical significance.}, keywords = {childhood malnutrition ; fish ; growth faltering ; lipid-based nutrient supplement ({LNS}) ; ready-to-use supplementary food ({RUSF}) ; {CAMBODGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}aternal and {C}hild {N}utrition}, volume = {16}, numero = {1}, pages = {e12896 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {1740-8695}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/mcn.12896}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077740}, }