@article{fdi:010077739, title = {{P}ostpartum hemorrhage care bundles to improve adherence to guidelines : a {WHO} technical consultation}, author = {{A}lthabe, {F}. and {T}herrien, {M}. {N}. {S}. and {P}ingray, {V}. and {H}ermida, {J}. and {G}ulmezoglu, {A}. {M}. and {A}rmbruster, {D}. and {S}ingh, {N}. and {G}uha, {M}. and {G}arg, {L}. {F}. and {S}ouza, {J}. {P}. and {S}mith, {J}. {M}. and {W}inikoff, {B}. and {T}hapa, {K}. and {H}ebert, {E}. and {L}iljestrand, {J}. and {D}owne, {S}. and {E}lorrio, {E}. {G}. and {A}rulkumaran, {S}. and {B}yaruhanga, {E}. {K}. and {L}issauer, {D}. {M}. and {O}gutu, {M}. and {D}umont, {A}lexandre and {E}scobar, {M}. {F}. and {F}uchtner, {C}. and {L}umbiganon, {P}. and {B}urke, {T}. {F}. and {M}iller, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective {T}o systematically develop evidence-based bundles for care of postpartum hemorrhage ({PPH}). {M}ethods {A}n international technical consultation was conducted in 2017 to develop draft bundles of clinical interventions for {PPH} taken from the {WHO}'s 2012 and 2017 {PPH} recommendations and based on the validated "{GRADE} {E}vidence-to-{D}ecision" framework. {T}wenty-three global maternal-health experts participated in the development process, which was informed by a systematic literature search on bundle definitions, designs, and implementation experiences. {O}ver a 6-month period, the expert panel met online and via teleconferences, culminating in a 2-day in-person meeting. {R}esults {T}he consultation led to the definition of two care bundles for facility implementation. {T}he "first response to {PPH} bundle" comprises uterotonics, isotonic crystalloids, tranexamic acid, and uterine massage. {T}he "response to refractory {PPH} bundle" comprises compressive measures (aortic or bimanual uterine compression), the non-pneumatic antishock garment, and intrauterine balloon tamponade ({IBT}). {A}dvocacy, training, teamwork, communication, and use of best clinical practices were defined as {PPH} bundle supporting elements. {C}onclusion {F}or the first response bundle, further research should assess its feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness; and identify optimal implementation strategies. {F}or the response to refractory bundle, further research should address pending controversies, including the operational definition of refractory {PPH} and effectiveness of {IBT} devices.}, keywords = {{A}ortic compression ; {B}imanual compression ; {I}ntrauterine balloon ; tamponade ; {N}on-pneumatic antishock garment ; {O}bstetric hemorrhage ; {P}atient care bundles ; {P}ostpartum hemorrhage ; {T}ranexamic acid ; {U}terotonics ; {MONDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {G}ynecology and {O}bstetrics}, volume = {148}, numero = {3}, pages = {290--299}, ISSN = {0020-7292}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1002/ijgo.13028}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077739}, }