@article{fdi:010077700, title = {{F}rom multi-sited ethnography to food heritage : what theoretical and methodological challenges for anthropology ?}, author = {{S}uremain, {C}harles-{E}douard de}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}hrough three {L}atin {A}merican examples, the paradigmatic notion of 'multi-sited ethnography" is put to the test in relation to food heritage. {A}fter recalling its cultural and historical antecedents in {E}urope and {L}atin {A}merica, a first set of tensions between 'institutionalized heritage and 'ordinary heritage are analyzed. {T}he phenomena of contestation ({B}olivia) that food heritage produces among the most modest populations shows that the wide range of its meanings and uses depend on the context and local issues. {C}onsequently, the potentially contentious relationships between various actors within heritage, gastronomic tourism, and development are highlighted. {F}or this purpose, the example of 'female traditional cooks and 'gastronomic routes' in {M}exico is used as a starting point. {T}hrough these examples, the advantages and limitations of the multi-sited approach and its implications for ethnographic work on food heritage are discussed. {S}pecifically, emphasis is put on the conditions of its implementation by revisiting how it differs from the comparative approach, transnationalization and 'glocal" analysis. {F}inally, some theoretical and methodological avenues for further exploration in the critical anthropology of food heritagization are suggested.}, keywords = {{BOLIVIE} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {MEXICO}}, booktitle = {{E}nfoques criticos del patrimonio alimentario en {A}m{\'e}rica {L}atina}, journal = {{R}evista del {CESLA} : {I}nternational {L}atin {A}merican {S}tudies {R}eview}, volume = {24}, numero = {}, pages = {7--32}, ISSN = {2081-1160 }, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.36551/2081-1160.2019.24.7-32}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077700}, }