@article{fdi:010077496, title = {{U}pstream dam impacts on gilded catfish {B}rachiplatystoma rousseauxii ({S}iluriformes : {P}imelodidae) in the {B}olivian {A}mazon}, author = {{V}an {D}amme, {P}. {A}. and {C}ordova-{C}lavijo, {L}. and {B}aigun, {C}. and {H}auser, {M}. and {D}oria, {C}. {R}. {D}. and {D}uponchelle, {F}abrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper explores the effects of two run-of-river dams ({J}irau and {S}anto {A}ntonio) built in cascade in the middle {M}adeira {R}iver ({B}razil) on the interruption of long-distance migration mutes of the gilded catfish ({B}rachyplarystoma rousseauxii). {A} participative monitoring system was set up to compare capture by commercial fishers approximately 1500 kin upstream of the dams in {B}olivia, before (1998-2007) and after (2015-2017) dam closure. {A} significant decrease in gilded catfish catches and in catch per unit effort was observed after dam closure, whereas no significant difference in mean weight was found. {B}ack-estimation of age suggests that the few individuals remaining after dam closure in 2009 are a mixture of old homers that returned upstream before dam closure, and residents hatched after dam closure and trapped in the upper {M}adeira. {U}nless fishways in the {M}adeira {R}iver dams improve their efficiency, the gilded catfish might become rare and in danger of regional extinction in the upper {M}adeira basin in the next few years, negatively affecting river fisheries.}, keywords = {{E}nvironmental impact ; {F}ish migration ; {F}ishways ; {M}adeira dams ; {R}iver connectivity ; {BOLIVIE} ; {AMAZONE} {BASSIN} ; {MADEIRA} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}eotropical {I}chthyology}, volume = {17}, numero = {4}, pages = {e190118 [9 p.]}, ISSN = {1679-6225}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1590/1982-0224-20190118}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077496}, }