@article{fdi:010077480, title = {{F}rom prodigious volcanic degassing to caldera subsidence and quiescence at {A}mbrym ({V}anuatu) : the influence of regional tectonics}, author = {{S}hreve, {T}. and {G}randin, {R}. and {B}oichu, {M}. and {G}araebiti, {E}. and {M}oussallam, {Y}ves and {B}allu, {V}. and {D}elgado, {F}. and {L}eclerc, {F}. and {V}all{\'e}e, {M}artin and {H}enriot, {N}. and {C}evuard, {S}. and {T}ari, {D}. and {L}ebellegard, {P}ierre and {P}elletier, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}ruptive activity shapes volcanic edifices. {T}he formation of broad caldera depressions is often associated with major collapse events, emplacing conspicuous pyroclastic deposits. {H}owever, caldera subsidence may also proceed silently by magma withdrawal at depth, more difficult to detect. {A}mbrym, a basaltic volcanic island, hosts a 12-km wide caldera and several intensely-degassing lava lakes confined to intra-caldera cones. {U}sing satellite remote sensing of deformation, gas emissions and thermal anomalies, combined with seismicity and ground observations, we show that in {D}ecember 2018 an intra-caldera eruption at {A}mbrym preceded normal faulting with >2 m of associated uplift along the eastern rift zone and 2.5 m of caldera-wide subsidence. {D}eformation was caused by lateral migration of >0.4 cubic kilometers of magma into the rift zone, extinguishing the lava lakes, and feeding a submarine eruption in the rift edge. {R}ecurring rifting episodes, favored by stress induced by the {D}'{E}ntrecasteaux {R}idge collision against the {N}ew {H}ebrides arc, lead to progressive subsidence of {A}mbrym's caldera and concurrent draining of the lava lakes. {A}lthough counterintuitive, convergent margin systems can induce rift zone volcanism and subsequent caldera subsidence.}, keywords = {{VANUATU} ; {AMBRYM} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 18868 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-019-55141-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077480}, }