@article{fdi:010077475, title = {{A} systematic review of the application of machine learning in the detection and classification of transposable elements}, author = {{O}rozco-{A}rias, {S}. and {I}saza, {G}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain and {T}abares-{S}oto, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {T}ransposable elements ({TE}s) constitute the most common repeated sequences in eukaryotic genomes. {R}ecent studies demonstrated their deep impact on species diversity, adaptation to the environment and diseases. {A}lthough there are many conventional bioinformatics algorithms for detecting and classifying {TE}s, none have achieved reliable results on different types of {TE}s. {M}achine learning ({ML}) techniques can automatically extract hidden patterns and novel information from labeled or non-labeled data and have been applied to solving several scientific problems. {M}ethodology: {W}e followed the {S}ystematic {L}iterature {R}eview ({SLR}) process, applying the six stages of the review protocol from it, but added a previous stage, which aims to detect the need for a review. {T}hen search equations were formulated and executed in several literature databases. {R}elevant publications were scanned and used to extract evidence to answer research questions. {R}esults: {S}everal {ML} approaches have already been tested on other bioinformatics problems with promising results, yet there are few algorithms and architectures available in literature focused specifically on {TE}s, despite representing the majority of the nuclear {DNA} of many organisms. {O}nly 35 articles were found and categorized as relevant in {TE} or related fields. {C}onclusions: {ML} is a powerful tool that can be used to address many problems. {A}lthough {ML} techniques have been used widely in other biological tasks, their utilization in {TE} analyses is still limited. {F}ollowing the {SLR}, it was possible to notice that the use of {ML} for {TE} analyses (detection and classification) is an open problem, and this new field of research is growing in interest.}, keywords = {{T}ransposable elements ; {R}etrotransposons ; {D}etection ; {C}lassification ; {B}ioinformatics ; {M}achine learning ; {D}eep learning}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}eer{J}}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {e8311 [29 p.]}, ISSN = {2167-8359}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.7717/peerj.8311}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077475}, }