@article{fdi:010077470, title = {{D}rivers and trends in catch of benthic resources in {C}hilean {TURF}s and surrounding open access areas}, author = {{B}eckensteiner, {J}. and {S}cheld, {A}. {M}. and {F}ernandez, {M}. and {K}aplan, {D}avid}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}eginning in the 1990's, {C}hile implemented an extensive {T}erritorial {U}ser {R}ights for {F}isheries ({TURF}s) network that now comprises nearly 1,000 {TURF}s. {T}his network provides a rare opportunity to examine spatial and temporal trends in {TURF} use and impacts on surrounding open access areas ({OAA}s). {I}n this analysis, landings of keyhole limpet ({F}issurella spp.), kelp ({L}essonia spp.) and red sea urchin ({L}oxechinus albus) were used to estimate catch-per-unit effort ({CPUE}s) and catch-per-unit area ({CPUA}s) indices inside and outside {TURF}s by fishing cove. {F}or these species, {CPUE}s and {CPUA}s in 2015 were significantly higher inside {TURF}s. {H}owever, temporal trends analyzed with a linear mixed effects model indicate that {CPUA}s inside {TURF}s have been significantly decreasing since 2000 for keyhole limpet, red sea urchin and for loco ({C}oncholepas concholepas), while in {OAA}s this measure only decreased for limpet. {A}n elastic net regression was used to better explain catches in {OAA}s during 2015, including a variety of variables related to the characteristics and activity of proximal {TURF}s. {R}esults indicate that exogenous factors unrelated to {TURF} management were the primary drivers of catches in {OAA}s during 2015 but that factors related to proximal {TURF}s appear to have a slight negative impact that grows over time. {C}ollectively, these results indicate that while {TURF}s are associated with higher catch rates than surrounding {OAA}s, catch rates appear to be decreasing over time and, though limited, the impact of {TURF}s on surrounding {OAA}s may be negative. {T}hese findings suggest a need for a more nuanced and dynamic approach to spatial management on benthic resources in {C}hile.}, keywords = {{CHILI} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean and {C}oastal {M}anagement}, volume = {183}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 104961 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {0964-5691}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104961}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077470}, }