@article{fdi:010077458, title = {{S}patio-temporal relationships between fumarolic activity, hydrothermal fluid circulation and geophysical signals at an arc volcano in degassing unrest : {L}a {S}oufriere of {G}uadeloupe ({F}rench {W}est {I}ndies)}, author = {{T}amburello, {G}. and {M}oune, {S}. and {A}llard, {P}. and {V}enugopal, {S}. and {R}obert, {V}. and {R}osas-{C}arbajal, {M}. and {D}eroussi, {S}. and {K}itou, {G}. {T}. and {D}idier, {T}. and {K}omorowski, {J}. {C}. and {B}eauducel, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}e {C}habalier, {J}. {B}. and {L}e {M}archand, {A}. and {L}e {F}riant, {A}. and {B}onifacie, {M}. and {D}essert, {C}. and {M}oretti, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ver the past two decades, {L}a {S}oufriere volcano in {G}uadeloupe has displayed a growing degassing unrest whose actual source mechanism still remains unclear. {B}ased on new measurements of the chemistry and mass flux of fumarolic gas emissions from the volcano, here we reveal spatio-temporal variations in the degassing features that closely relate to the 3{D} underground circulation of fumarolic fluids, as imaged by electrical resistivity tomography, and to geodetic-seismic signals recorded over the past two decades. {D}iscrete monthly surveys of gas plumes from the various vents on {L}a {S}oufriere lava dome, performed with portable {M}ulti{GAS} analyzers, reveal important differences in the chemical proportions and fluxes of {H}2{O}, {CO}2, {H}2{S}, {SO}2 and {H}-2,{H}- which depend on the vent location with respect to the underground circulation of fluids. {I}n particular, the main central vents, though directly connected to the volcano conduit and preferentially surveyed in past decades, display much higher {CO}2/{SO}2 and {H}2{S}/{SO}2 ratios than peripheral gas emissions, reflecting greater {SO}2 scrubbing in the boiling hydrothermal water at 80-100 m depth. {G}as fluxes demonstrate an increased bulk degassing of the volcano over the past 10 years, but also a recent spatial shift in fumarolic degassing intensity from the center of the lava dome towards its {SE}-{NE} sector and the {B}reislack fracture. {S}uch a spatial shift is in agreement with both extensometric and seismic evidence of fault widening in this sector due to slow gravitational sliding of the southern dome sector. {O}ur study thus provides an improved framework to monitor and interpret the evolution of gas emissions from {L}a {S}oufriere in the future and to better forecast hazards from this dangerous andesitic volcano.}, keywords = {la soufriere ; guadeloupe ; volcanic gas ; volcanic unrest ; hydrothermal gas ; multigas ; extensometry ; {GUADELOUPE} ; {LA} {SOUFRIERE} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eosciences}, volume = {9}, numero = {11}, pages = {art. 480 [25 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/geosciences9110480}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077458}, }