@article{fdi:010077451, title = {{S}easonal variations and chemical predictors of oxidative potential ({OP}) of particulate matter ({PM}), for seven urban {F}rench sites}, author = {{C}alas, {A}. and {U}zu, {G}a{\¨e}lle and {B}esombes, {J}. {L}. and {M}artins, {J}. {M}. {F}. and {R}edaelli, {M}. and {W}eber, {S}. and {C}harron, {A}. and {A}lbinet, {A}. and {C}hevrier, {F}. and {B}rulfert, {G}. and {M}esbah, {B}. and {F}avez, {O}. and {J}affrezo, {J}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}pidemiological studies suggest that the main part of chronic effects from air pollution is likely to be linked with particulate matter ({PM}). {O}xidative potential ({OP}) of {PM} is gaining strong interest as a promising health exposure metric. {T}his study combined atmospheric detailed composition results obtained for seven different urban background environments over {F}rance to examine any possible common feature in {OP} seasonal variations obtained using two assays (acid ascorbic ({AA}) and dithiothreitol ({DTT})) along a large set of samples ({N} >700). {A} remarkable homogeneity in annual cycles was observed with a higher {OP} activity in wintertime at all investigated sites. {U}nivariate correlations were used to link the concentrations of some major chemical components of {PM} and their {OP}. {F}our {PM} components were identified as {OP} predictors: {OC}, {EC}, monosaccharides and {C}u. {T}hese species are notably emitted by road transport and biomass burning, targeting main sources probably responsible for the measured {OP} activity. {T}he results obtained confirm that the relationship between {OP} and atmospheric pollutants is assay- and location-dependent and, thus, the strong need for a standardized test, or set of tests, for further regulation purposes.}, keywords = {oxidative potential ; urban background sites ; {OP} tracers/predictors ; chemical composition of {PM} ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}tmosphere}, volume = {10}, numero = {11}, pages = {art. 698 [20 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/atmos10110698}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077451}, }