@article{fdi:010077402, title = {{T}he {E}lbrus ({C}aucasus, {R}ussia) ice core record - {P}art 2 : history of desert dust deposition}, author = {{K}utuzov, {S}. and {L}egrand, {M}. and {P}reunkert, {S}. and {G}inot, {P}atrick and {M}ikhalenko, {V}. and {S}hukurov, {K}. and {P}oliukhov, {A}. and {T}oropov, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ce cores are one of the most valuable paleoarchives. {R}ecords from ice cores provide information not only about the amount of dust in the atmosphere, but also about dust sources and their changes in the past. {I}n 2009, a 182 m long ice core was recovered from the western plateau of {M}t {E}lbrus (5115 ma.s.l.). {T}his record was further extended after a shallow ice core was drilled in 2013. {H}ere we analyse {C}a2+ concentrations, a commonly used proxy of dust, recorded in these {E}lbrus ice records over the time period of 1774-2013 {CE}. {T}he {C}a2+ record reveals quasi-decadal variability with a generally increasing trend. {U}sing multiple regression analysis, we found a statistically significant spatial correlation of the {E}lbrus {C}a2+ summer concentrations with precipitation and soil moisture content in the {L}evant region (specifically {S}yria and {I}raq). {T}he {C}a2+ record also correlates with drought indices in {N}orth {A}frica (r = 0.67, p<0.001) and {M}iddle {E}ast regions (r = 0.71, p<0.001). {D}ust concentrations prominently increase in the ice core over the past 200 years, confirming that the recent droughts in the {F}ertile {C}rescent (1998-2012 {CE}) present the most severe aridity experienced in at least the past two centuries. {F}or the most recent 33 years recorded (1979-2012 {CE}), significant correlations exist between {C}a2+ and {P}acific circulation indices ({P}acific {D}ecadal {O}scillation, {S}outhern {O}scillation {I}ndex and {N}ino 4), which suggests that the increased frequency of extreme {E}l {N}ino and {L}a {N}ina events due to a warming climate has extended their influence to the {M}iddle {E}ast. {E}vidence demonstrates that the increase in {C}a2+ concentration in the ice core cannot be attributed to human activities, such as coal combustion and cement production.}, keywords = {{EUROPE} ; {RUSSIE} ; {CAUCASE} ; {ELBROUZ}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}tmospheric {C}hemistry and {P}hysics}, volume = {19}, numero = {22}, pages = {14133--14148}, ISSN = {1680-7316}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.5194/acp-19-14133-2019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077402}, }