@article{fdi:010077372, title = {¿{C}ultivar su autonomía? {L}a agroecología de las agricultoras brasileñas}, author = {{H}illenkamp, {I}sabelle}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{I}nheriting peasant struggles, agroecology has emerged in {B}razil from the criticism of the social-environmental invalidity of agricultural modernization and the affirmation of practices allowing a more autonomous and sustainable organization of work and life. {R}ural women's movements and feminist organizations are occupying this political field. {T}o understand the meaning of "feminist agroecology" in {B}razil and to evaluate its potential for social transformation requires us to return to the conflicts, related to the relations of production and gender, by which it was constituted and to analyse by which practices autonomy is (or is not) built. {I}n this article, {I} develop this analysis from field research with the network of agroecological women fanners of {B}arra do {T}urvo, in the south-east of the country. {O}n a theoretical level, {I} use a relational approach to autonomy, recognizing the need for interdependencies in the different spheres of social life. {T}o this end, {I} rely on a substantive and feminist conception of the economy, drawing attention to all forms of work, particularly care work.}, keywords = {agroecology ; feminism ; {B}razil ; autonomy ; substantive economy ; care ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evista de {A}ntropologia {S}ocial}, volume = {28}, numero = {2}, pages = {297--322}, ISSN = {1131-558{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.5209/raso.65616}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077372}, }