@article{fdi:010077362, title = {{C}hanges in environmental salinity during the life of {P}angasius krempfi in the {M}ekong {D}elta ({V}ietnam) estimated from otolith {S}r : {C}a ratios}, author = {{T}ran, {N}. {T}. and {L}abonne, {M}aylis and {H}oang, {H}. {D}. and {P}anfili, {J}acques}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}angasius krempfi is a commercially important catfish in the {M}ekong {R}iver and is believed to migrate along the {M}ekong {R}iver basin. {T}o verify this migration, elemental concentrations were measured in the water and in otoliths to infer the salinity of the water through the fish's lifetime. {I}n 2017, eight element concentrations were measured along the {M}ekong {D}elta using solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ({ICP}-{MS}). {C}oncentrations of {S}r, {L}i and {R}b were strongly and positively correlated with salinity. {O}toliths were taken from {P}. krempfi caught in the brackish waters of the lower {M}ekong {D}elta and seven element : {C}a ratios were measured from the core to the otolith edge using laser ablation {ICP}-{MS}. {T}he {S}r : {C}a, {B}a : {C}a, {P} : {C}a and {M}n : {C}a ratios varied through the lifetime of the fish, but only {S}r : {C}a was suitable for estimating ambient salinity. {T}he {S}r : {C}a profiles in otoliths were analysed and significantly correlated between individuals, with all fish hatched in water with very low levels of salinity, indicating a single freshwater spawning ground, and then living in waters with higher salinity, with two types of migration behaviour. {S}ome individuals may return to low-salinity waters when older. {T}hese conclusions were supported by the {B}a : {C}a and {M}n : {C}a ratios. {T}hese migration patterns may have implications for fishery management.}, keywords = {behaviour ; climate change ; diadromous fish ; microchemistry ; {P}angasiidae ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {MEKONG} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine and {F}reshwater {R}esearch}, volume = {70}, numero = {12}, pages = {1734--1746}, ISSN = {1323-1650}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1071/mf18269}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077362}, }