@article{fdi:010077334, title = {{S}ubjectivit{\'e}s et constructions sociales d’un risque iatrog{\`e}ne : (in)visibilit{\'e}s des lipodystrophies au {S}{\'e}n{\'e}gal}, author = {{D}esclaux, {A}lice and {B}oye, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}ndividual perceptions of the risk of drug-related adverse effects, whether anticipated before initiation of treatment or readjusted during treatment, are closely linked to social representations of damage. {T}he ethnographic analysis conducted in {S}enegal on lipodystrophies due to certain antiretrovirals shows very different subjective perceptions, in a specific relationship to the social context. {I}t also reveals a collective dynamic of invisibilisation based, on one hand, on a micro-social logic of avoidance of suffering in the absence of curative treatment and, on the other hand, on a symbolic logic of "price to pay" for the effectiveness of antiretrovirals. {T}he model of patients' "balancing" iatrogenic risk and efficacy seems relevant only if the drug is apprehended with its complex social inscription, using both concepts of "social life" and "political biography" of pharmaceuticals.}, keywords = {risk ; side effects ; subjectivity ; pharmaceuticals ; {A}frica ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {{F}ace aux risques m{\'e}dicamenteux}, journal = {{A}nthropologie et {S}ant{\'e}}, volume = {19}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 5134 [19 ]}, ISSN = {2111-5028}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.4000/anthropologiesante.5134}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077334}, }