@article{fdi:010077317, title = {{R}ecent and old duplications in crustaceans "{I}nternal {T}ranscribed {S}pacer 1" : structural and phylogenetic implications}, author = {{V}an {W}ormhoudt, {A}. and {A}djeroud, {M}ehdi and {R}ouze, {H}. and {L}eray, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nternal {T}ranscribed {S}pacer structures are important in preserving accessibility to specific enzymes for the maturation of r{RNA}s. {ITS}1 sequences reported in the literature in {C}rustaceans range between 182 and 820 bp and are characterized by the absence of repeats or the presence of only a limited number of microsatellites. {H}ere, we sequenced {ITS}1 for a range of shrimp families (infraorder {C}aridea) and show that most taxa have much larger {ITS}1 sequences. {W}e find a high number of microsatellites in {A}lpheus hebes and {C}rangon crangon and we report repeat units in {P}andalidae, {P}alaemonidae and mainly in {A}lpheidae species. {U}p to four repeats were found in {A}. vanderbilti (1915 bp), {A}. rostratus (1635 bp) and {A}. lottini (1625 bp). {I}n general, four helices were found in {ITS}1. {R}epeat units led to extra hairpins and loops. {N}o conserved positions occurred except in helix 4. {T}hree clades were defined in {A}. lottini for the first time. {W}e estimated the {ITS}1 divergence rate for the three clades of {A}. lottini collected in {F}rench {P}olynesia using existing calibrations of substitution rates. {R}ates of sequence evolution are largely influenced by repeat units, which likely evolve separately. {B}y comparison with {COI} marker, we estimated the divergence rate of the whole {ITS}1 sequence to range from 0.5 to 1.4% {P}my and between 0.12 and 0.5% for the 3' end of {ITS}1 located outside the repeat units. {G}iven the degree of identity between repeats, we suggest that a duplication event recently occurred in {A}. floridanus (98% identity) whereas an ancient duplication happened in {A}. sulcatus (50% identity) early at the origination of the group {A}lpheidae, approximately 50 mya ago. {I}n conclusion, our results highlight an over representation of shorter {ITS}1 sequences in public repositories, and underlines the importance to further understand patterns of molecular evolution of this functionally important gene.}, keywords = {{ITS}1 ; {R}epeat units ; {C}rustacean ; {D}ecapods ; {S}econdary structure ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {B}iology {R}eports}, volume = {46}, numero = {5}, pages = {5185--5195}, ISSN = {0301-4851}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s11033-019-04976-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077317}, }