@article{fdi:010077297, title = {{M}ulti-scale statistical properties of disaggregated {SMOS} soil moisture products in {A}ustralia}, author = {{N}euhauser, {M}. and {V}errier, {S}. and {M}erlin, {O}. and {M}olero, {B}. and {S}uere, {C}. and {M}angiarotti, {S}ylvain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil moisture has a strong impact on climate, hydrology and agronomy at different space scales, from the continent global scale to the local watershed. {P}assive microwave sensors, like {SMOS} satellite ({S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity), allow a global study of soil moisture on the entire globe. {T}o have access to kilometric variability, disaggregation algorithms have been developed, such as the {D}isaggregation based on {P}hysical {A}nd {T}heoretical scale {C}hange ({D}is{PATC}h). {T}his method improves the space resolution of {SMOS} soil moisture from 40 km to 1 km. {T}o do this, it combines coarse-scale (approximate to 40 km) {SMOS} products with fine-scale (approximate to 1 km) optical/thermal data. {V}alidation studies on specific scales showed the potential of {D}is{PATC}h to enhance the spatio-temporal correlation of disaggregated {SM} with in-situ measurements, under low-vegetated semi-arid regions. {A}lthough the efficiency of the method was revealed in these regions, no studies fully explored its statistical behavior over a continuum of space scales. {I}n this paper, we studied and compared the spatial mull-scale statistics of the different input and output datasets involved in {D}is{PATC}h downscaling. {T}o do this, we applied spectral and multifractal analysis on the respective products for the region of southeastern {A}ustralia, from {J}une to {D}ecember 2010. {F}ractal and multifractal properties (in the framework of the {U}niversal {M}ultifractal model) were observed on inputs of {D}is{PATC}h ({SMOS} soil moisture, {MODIS} vegetation indices and surface temperature), which confirmed and completed some results reported in existing literature. {F}or the output disaggregated soil moisture, two scaling regimes were observed, with a transition scale observed at about ten kilometers. {C}onsidering spectral analysis, at large scales (> 10 km), disaggregated soil moisture was found to have the same scaling as the original {SMOS} soil moisture. {O}n finer scales (< 10 km), a different behavior was noticed, with a higher value of the slope of the power spectrum. {T}he same scale break was detected on statistical moments, showing that both spectral and multifractal properties of {D}is{PATC}h soil moisture are characterized by this twofold scaling signature.}, keywords = {{S}oil moisture ; {M}ulti-scale analysis ; {M}ultifractals ; {D}isaggregation ; {SMOS} ; {D}is{PATC}h ; {AUSTRALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dvances in {W}ater {R}esources}, volume = {134}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 103426 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {0309-1708}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103426}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077297}, }