@article{fdi:010077175, title = {{D}id earthquakes strike {M}achu {P}icchu ?}, author = {{R}odriguez-{P}ascua, {M}. {A}. and {E}scobar, {C}. {B}. and {G}uevara, {L}. {R}. and {G}rutzner, {C}. and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {W}alker, {R}. and {G}arcia, {B}. and {A}guirre, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {H}istoric {S}anctuary of {M}achu {P}icchu ({C}usco, {P}eru) is one of the most important archaeological monuments in {P}eru and worldwide. {M}achu {P}icchu is classified as a {UNESCO} {W}orld {H}eritage site and at risk from climatic change. {H}owever, the seismic centennial history of {P}eru reports large earthquakes generated both along the subduction zone ({M}w8) and on active crustal faults along the {A}ndean {C}ordillera ({M}w7). {I}t is therefore important to know if {M}achu {P}icchu is located in an area of seismic hazard and then to take measures to mitigate potential seismic hazards. {D}ue to the short historical earthquake catalogue (< 500 years) and the absence of significant recent instrumental seismicity in the site's vicinity (radius of < 30 km), our knowledge about the seismic hazard in {M}achu {P}icchu is limited. {T}he earthquakes of 1650 and 1950 affected {C}usco city and surrounding areas, but without damage descriptions in {M}achu {P}icchu (80 km away) ({S}ilgado {F}erro 1978). {I}n this study, we make the first attempt to use the analysis of earthquake archaeological effects ({EAE}s) and their differentiation from the effects generated by slope movements (creep) to investigate the past occurrence of strong earthquakes at the site. {T}he application of geological structural analysis to the deformations observed in {M}achu {P}icchu shows two directions of the mean ground movement: {N}020 degrees {E} and {N}110 degrees {E}. {T}wo earthquakes that affected {M}achu {P}icchu during its construction generated these directions. {T}his kind of data should be used in the future to protect this important archaeological site.}, keywords = {{M}achu {P}icchu ; {E}arthquake archaeological effects ({EAE}s) ; {A}ncient earthquakes ; {C}reep slope movement ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES} ; {MACHU} {PICCHU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}eismology}, volume = {24}, numero = {4}, pages = {883--895}, ISSN = {1383-4649}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s10950-019-09877-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077175}, }