@article{fdi:010077170, title = {{A} first insight into genetic diversity of {M}ycobacterium bovis isolated from extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients in {S}outh {T}unisia assessed by spoligotyping and {MIRU} {VNTR}}, author = {{S}iala, {M}. and {C}assan, {C}{\'e}cile and {S}maoui, {S}. and {K}ammoun, {S}. and {M}arouane, {C}. and {G}odreuil, {S}. and {H}achicha, {S}. and {M}hiri, {E}. and {S}lim, {L}. and {G}amara, {D}. and {M}essadi-{A}krout, {F}. and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ntroduction {I}n {T}unisia, almost 77% of clinically and bacteriologically diagnosed cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis ({EPTB}) are zoonotic {TB}, caused by {M}. bovis. {A}lthough several studies have analyzed bovine {TB} in cattle in {T}unisia, no study has evaluated the risk of transmission to humans in such an endemic country. {W}e aimed to study the genetic diversity of {M}. bovis human isolates, to ascertain the causes of human {EPTB} infection by {M}. bovis and to investigate the distribution and population structure of this species in {T}unisia. {M}aterials and methods {A} total of 110 {M}. bovis isolates taken from patients with confirmed {EPTB} were characterized by spoligotyping and {MIRU}-{VNTR} typing methods. {R}esults {A}mong the 15 spoligotypes detected in our study, 6 ({SB}0120, {SB}0121, {SB}2025, {SB}1200, {SB}1003 and {SB}0134) were the most prevalent (83.5%) of which {SB}0120, {SB}0121 and {SB}2025 were the most prevailing. {MIRU}-{VNTR} typing method showed a high genotypic and genetic diversity. {T}he genetic differentiation based on {MIRU}-{VNTR} was significant between populations from {S}outh {E}ast ({T}ataouine, {M}edenine) and {C}entral {W}est ({G}afsa, {S}idi {B}ouzid, {K}asserine) regions. {O}f note, 13/15 (86.7%) spoligotypes detected in our study were previously identified in cattle in {T}unisia with different frequencies suggesting a peculiar ability of some genotypes to infect humans. {U}sing combined spoligotyping and {MIRU}-{VNTR} method, a high clustering rate of 43.9% was obtained. {O}ur results underlined that human {EPTB} due to {M}. bovis was more commonly found in female gender and in young patients. {M}ost of our patients, 66.4% (73/110) were raw milk or derivatives consumers, whereas 30.9% (34/110) patients would have contracted {EPTB} through contact with livestock. {T}he findings suggest that the transmission of {Z}oonotic {TB} caused by {M}. bovis to humans mainly occurred by oral route through raw milk or derivatives. {C}onclusion {O}ur study showed the urgent need of a better veterinary control with the implementation of effective and comprehensive strategies in order to reach a good protection of animals as well as human health. {A}uthor summary {I}n {S}outh {T}unisia, the prevalence of bovine {TB} is high with {M}ycobacterium bovis as causative agent and cattle as reservoir of the bacteria. {H}owever as previously mentioned in several studies, {M}. bovis is also responsible for human extrapulmonary tuberculosis ({EPTB}) cases in {S}outh {T}unisia. {D}espite the veterinary and medical problems, {M}. bovis is still little studied. {I}n this context, this work aimed to study the molecular epidemiology of {M}. bovis in {EPTB} patients in south {T}unisia in order to determine the main risk factors of transmission. {O}ur results underlined that {SB}0120, {SB}0121 and {SB}2025, previously described in cattle in {T}unisia, represent the predominant genotypes. {T}he findings highlighted that human {EPTB} caused by {M}. bovis mainly occurred through the consumption of raw milk or derivatives. {T}hese data demonstrate the urgent need to implement strategies for preventing and controlling zoonotic {TB}.}, keywords = {{TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}iseases}, volume = {13}, numero = {9}, pages = {e0007707 [19 ]}, ISSN = {1935-2735}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0007707}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077170}, }