@article{fdi:010077156, title = {{A} semi-selective medium to isolate and identify bacteria of the genus {P}antoea}, author = {{K}ini, {K}. and {D}ossa, {R}. and {D}ossou, {B}. and {M}ariko, {M}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf and {S}ilue, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he isolation, purification and accurate diagnosis of {P}antoea and many other bacterial species that infect rice are essential for upstream studies. {H}owever, some isolates of {P}antoea and other bacteria such as {S}phingomonas have similar biochemical and morphological features on common culture media and are thus difficult to isolate selectively and accurately diagnose. {W}e thus developed a semi-selective medium containing 65 g/l (65%) {N}a{C}l that allows growth of all {P}antoea strains, but inhibits other microorganisms. {I}t can be used to isolate and purify {P}antoea spp. for preliminary diagnosis.}, keywords = {{P}antoea genus ; {R}ice pathogens ; {A}frica ; {S}emi-selective medium ; {D}isease diagnosis ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eneral {P}lant {P}athology}, volume = {85}, numero = {6}, pages = {424--427}, ISSN = {1345-2630}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s10327-019-00862-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077156}, }