@article{fdi:010077140, title = {{F}ast ascent rate during the 2017-2018 {P}linian eruption of {A}mbae ({A}oba) volcano : a petrological investigation}, author = {{M}oussallam, {Y}ves and {R}ose-{K}oga, {E}. {F}. and {K}oga, {K}. {T}. and {M}edard, {E}. and {B}ani, {P}hilipson and {D}evidal, {J}. {L}. and {T}ari, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {S}eptember 2017, after more than a hundred years of quiescence, {A}mbae ({A}oba), {V}anuatu's largest volcano, entered a new phase of eruptive activity, triggering the evacuation of the island's 11,000 inhabitants resulting in the largest volcanic disaster in the country's history. {T}hree subsequent eruptive phases in {N}ovember 2017, {M}arch 2018, and {J}uly 2018 expelled some of the largest tropospheric and stratospheric {SO}2 clouds observed in the last decade. {H}ere, we investigate the mechanisms and dynamics of this eruption. {W}e use major elements, trace elements, and volatiles in olivine and clinopyroxene hosted melt inclusions, embayments, crystals, and matrix glasses together with clinopyroxene geobarometry and olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene geothermometry to reconstruct the physical and chemical evolution of the magma, as it ascends to the surface. {V}olatile elements in melt inclusions and geobarometry data suggest that the magma originated from depth of 14 km before residing at shallow ( 0.5 to 3 km) levels. {M}agma ascent to the surface was likely facilitated by shallow phreatic eruptions that opened a pathway for magma to ascend. {S}ucceeding eruptive phases are characterised by increasingly primitive compositions with evidence of small amounts of mixing having taken place. {M}g-{F}e exchange diffusion modelling yields olivine residence times in the magma chamber ranging from a few days to a year prior to eruption. {D}iffusion modelling of volatiles along embayments (melt channels) from the first two phases of activity and microlite number density suggests rapid magma ascent in the range of 15-270 km/h, 4-75 m/s (decompression rates of 0.1 to 2 {MP}a/s) corresponding to a short travel time between the top of the shallow reservoir and the surface of less than 2 min.}, keywords = {{V}olatile ; {M}elt inclusion ; {M}agma ascent ; {B}asaltic eruption ; {G}eo-speedometer ; {VANUATU} ; {AMBAE} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ontributions to {M}ineralogy and {P}etrology}, volume = {174}, numero = {11}, pages = {art. 90 [24p.]}, ISSN = {0010-7999}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s00410-019-1625-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077140}, }