@article{fdi:010077095, title = {{F}irst insights into the genetic characteristics and drug resistance of {M}ycobacterium tuberculosis population collected during the first national tuberculosis prevalence survey of {L}ao {PDR} (2010-2011)}, author = {{S}omphavong, {S}. and {B}erland, {J}. {L}. and {G}authier, {M}. and {V}u, {T}. {T}. and {N}guyen, {Q}. {H}. and {L}em, {V}. and {V}ongvichit, {P}. and {I}nthavong, {D}. and {A}kkhavong, {V}. and {C}hanthavilay, {P}. and {S}oundala, {S}. and {K}eovichit, {I}. and {P}aranhos-{B}accala, {G}. and {P}aboriboune, {P}. and {N}guyen, {T}. {V}. {A}. and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{I}n {L}ao {P}eople's {D}emocratic {R}epublic ({PDR}), tuberculosis ({TB}) prevalence was estimated at 540/100,000 in 2011. {N}evertheless, little is known about the genetic characteristics and anti-{TB} drug resistance of the {M}ycobacterium tuberculosis population. {T}he main objective of this work was to study the genetic characteristics and drug resistance of {M}. tuberculosis population collected during the first {N}ational {TB} {P}revalence {S}urvey ({TBPS}) of {L}ao {PDR} (2010-2011).{M}ethods{T}wo hundred and twenty two isolates collected during {TBPS} (2010-2011) were analyzed with the {G}eno{T}ype {MTBDR}plus test for {M}. tuberculosis identification and drug resistance detection. {T}hen, 206 of the 222 isolates were characterized by spoligotyping and {MIRU}-{VNTR} typing.{R}esults{A}mong the 222{M}. tuberculosis isolates, 11 were mono-resistant to isoniazid and 2 were resistant to isoniazid and rifampicin ({MDR}-{TB}), using the {G}eno{T}ype {MTBDR}plus test. {A}mong the 202 genetically characterized isolates, the {E}ast {A}frican-{I}ndian ({EAI}) family was predominant (76.7%) followed by the {B}eijing (14.4%) and {T} (5.5%) families. {EAI} isolates came from all the country provinces, whereas {B}eijing isolates were found mainly in the northern and central provinces. {A} higher proportion of {B}eijing isolates was observed in people younger than 35years compared to {EAI}. {M}oreover, the percentage of drug resistance was higher among {B}eijing (17.2%) than {EAI} (5.2%) isolates, and the two {MDR}-{TB} isolates belonged to the {B}eijing family. {C}ombined analysis of the {MIRU}-{VNTR} and spoligotyping results (n =202 isolates) revealed an estimated clustering rate of 11% and the occurrence of mini-outbreaks of drug-resistant {TB} caused by {B}eijing genotypes.{C}onclusions{T}he {EAI} family, the ancient and endemic family in {A}sia, is predominant in {L}ao {PDR} whereas the prevalence of {B}eijing, the most harmful {M}. tuberculosis family for humans, is still low, differently from neighboring countries. {H}owever, its association with drug resistance, its presence in young patients and its potential association with recent transmission suggest that the {B}eijing family could change {TB} epidemiological pattern in {L}ao {PDR}. {T}herefore, efficient {TB} control and surveillance systems must be maintained and reinforced to prevent the emergence of highly transmissible and drug-resistant strains in {L}ao {PDR}, as observed in neighboring countries.}, keywords = {{M}olecular epidemiology ; {M}ycobacterium tuberculosis family ; {D}rug-resistant tuberculosis ; {L}ao {PDR} ; {LAOS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {19}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 851 [10 p.]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1186/s12879-019-4435-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077095}, }