@article{fdi:010077014, title = {{S}easonal and plant-part isotopic and biochemical variation in {P}osidonia oceanica}, author = {{C}resson, {P}. and {B}oudouresque, {C}. {F}. and {R}uitton, {S}. and {C}asalot, {L}aurence and {V}erlaque, {M}. and {H}armelin-{V}ivien, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}osidonia oceanica is an iconic and highly productive {M}editerranean seagrass. {A}s most studies have focused on the fate of its production, temporal and plant part-specific variations of isotopic composition and biochemical content were overlooked. {C}ombined seasonal and plant-part stable isotope composition and biochemical concentrations were measured at the lower depth limit of a {P}. oceanica meadow (similar to 25 meter depth), and explained on the basis of previous knowledge of the specific metabolic functioning of each part. {T}he predominance of compounds with complex chemical structure was reflected by the high concentrations of insoluble carbohydrates, high {C}/{N} ratios and high delta {C}-13 values. {P}lant parts clustered in 3 groups with similar isotopic or biochemical features and metabolism: rhizomes and juvenile leaves, intermediate and adult leaves, senescent and drifting leaves. {T}his result agrees with the vegetative phenology of the plant. {T}he biochemical composition and the isotopic composition of the plant parts were consistent with previous knowledge regarding the photosynthetic activity and its seasonal variation. {C}orrelations were fbund between {N}-linked descriptors (delta {N}-13 and protein content), and between delta {C}-13 and insoluble carbohydrate concentration. {E}pibiont values differed considerably from those of the leaf, as this community is taxonomically diverse and seasonally variable. {B}iochemical and isotopic composition measured confirmed that the current complex metabolism of {P}. oceanica results from adaptations to the specific features of life in a marine oligotrophic environment.}, keywords = {{P}osidonia oceanica ; {M}editerranean {S}ea ; stable isotopes ; biochemical ; composition ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}editerranean {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {20}, numero = {2}, pages = {357--372}, ISSN = {1108-393{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.12681/mms.18660}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077014}, }