@article{fdi:010076890, title = {{D}ifferential diagnosis of an unusual snakebite presentation in {B}enin : dry bite or envenomation ?}, author = {{B}enjamin, {J}.{M}. and {C}hippaux, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {J}ackson, {K}. and {A}she, {S}. and {T}amou-{S}ambo, {B}. and {M}assougbodji, {A}. and {A}kpakpa, {O}.{C}. and {A}bo, {B}.{N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} 20-year-old man presented to a rural hospital in {B}emb{\'e}r{\'e}k{\'e}, northern {B}enin, after a witnessed bite from a small, dark snake to his left foot that occurred 3 hours earlier. {T}he description of the snake was consistent with several neurotoxic elapids known to inhabit the area in addition to various species from at least 10 different genera of non–front-fanged colubroid ({NFFC}) venomous snakes. {T}he presentation was consistent with the early signs of a neurotoxic snakebite as well as a sympathetic nervous system stress response. {D}iagnosis was further complicated by the presence of a makeshift tourniquet, which either could have been the cause of local signs and symptoms or a mechanical barrier delaying venom distribution and systemic effects until removal. {S}ystemic envenomation did not develop after the removal of the constricting band, but significant local paresthesias persisted for longer than 24 hours and resolved after the administration of a placebo injection of normal saline in place of antivenom therapy. {T}his was an unusual case of snakebite with persistent neuropathy despite an apparent lack of envenomation and a number of snakebite-specific variables that complicated the initial assessment,diagnosis, and treatment of the patient. {T}his case presentation provides clinicians with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the differential diagnosis and approach to a patient bitten by an unidentified snake, and it illustrates the importance of symptom progression as a pathognomonic sign during the early stages of a truly serious snake envenomation. {T}reatment should be based on clinical presentation and evolution of symptoms rather than on snake identification alone.}, keywords = {{BENIN} ; {BEMBEREKE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}pecial {O}perations {M}edicine}, volume = {19}, numero = {{S}ummer}, pages = {18--22}, ISSN = {1553-9768}, year = {2019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076890}, }