@inproceedings{fdi:010076769, title = {{U}sing a semantic approach for a cataloguing service}, author = {{B}oisson, {P}. and {C}lerc, {S}. and {D}esconnets, {J}ean-{C}hristophe and {L}ibourel {R}ouge, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}nvironmental applications (support for territorial diagnostics, monitoring of practices, integrated management, etc.) have strengthened the case for efforts in the establishment of sharing and mutualisation infrastructures for georeferenced information. {W}ithin the framework of these initiatives, our work has led us to design and create a tool for cataloguing resources for environmental applications. {T}his tool can be used to catalogue different types of resources (digital maps, vector layers, geographical databases, documents, etc.) by using the {ISO} 19115 standard, and offers a search engine for these resources. {T}he goal of this proposition is to improve the relevance of search engines by relying on semantic knowledge (thematic and spatial) of the concerned domains. {I}n the first stage, the proposition consists of helping the user in his search by offering mechanisms to expand on or to filter his query. {I}n the second stage, we use the results obtained and the underlying semantics for a global presentation of the results.}, keywords = {{C}atalog - {M}etadata - {S}emantic - {K}nowledge (thematic and spatial)}, numero = {4278}, pages = {1712--1722}, booktitle = {{O}n the move to meaningful {I}nternet systems 2006 : {OTM} 2006 workshops : proceedings, part {II}}, year = {2006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076769}, }