@article{fdi:010076681, title = {{A}n overlooked silica source of the modern oceans : are sandy beaches the key ?}, author = {{F}abre, {S}. and {J}eandel, {C}. and {Z}ambardi, {T}. and {R}oustan, {M}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e consider the {S}i flux resulting from sand grain dissolution on beaches under the pressure of the intensive and continuous shaking by the waves, a potential source of oceanic {DS}i that is not currently considered. {T}oday, {DS}i source and sink fluxes are balanced within large uncertainties, at ca. 10.4 +/- 4.2 and 14.6 +/- 7.8 x 10 12 mol yr(-1), respectively, underlining that some processes are not well constrained and possibly overlooked so far. {T}o quantitatively explore this idea, we first realized an experimental dissolution of quartz grains in a stirred vessel designed to simulate the sediment orbital motion induced by the waves. {T}hese experiments lead to the calculation of a solid-liquid mass-transfer coefficient directly linked to the rotation speed of the shaker. {T}his coefficient being itself related to the energy communicated to the liquid, we could apply the {N}ienow relationship to calculate a mass-transfer coefficient for beach sand exposed to 1 m height waves. {E}xtrapolation of this value to the whole sandy beaches led us to conclude that this mechanism could be significant, shortening the calculated residence time of oceanic {DS}i by up to a factor 2.}, keywords = {silica ; quartz ; weathering ; beaches ; ocean chemistry}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {E}arth {S}cience}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {231 [13 ]}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3389/feart.2019.00231}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076681}, }