@article{fdi:010076249, title = {{C}linical and economic burden of head and neck cancer : a nationwide retrospective cohort study from {F}rance}, author = {{S}chernberg, {A}. and {S}agaon {T}eyssier, {L}uis and {S}chwarzinger, {M}. and {B}aillot, {S}. and {B}ec, {M}. and {B}enmahammed, {L}. and {E}ven, {C}. and {G}eoffrois, {L}. and {H}uguet, {F}. and {L}e {V}u, {B}. and {L}evy-{B}achelot, {L}. and {L}uchini, {S}. and {P}ointreau, {Y}. and {R}obert, {C}. and {T}emam, {S}. and {E}picorl {S}tudy {G}roup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives: {T}o evaluate the clinical and economic burden of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma ({HNSCC}) in {F}rance. {M}ethods: {A}ll 53,255 incident adult patients discharged with a first diagnosis of {HNSCC} in 2010-2012 were identified from the 2008-2013 {F}rench {N}ational {H}ospital {D}ischarge ({PMSI}) database. {W}e conducted a retrospective longitudinal analysis of prognosis and direct costs attributable to {HNSCC}. {R}esults: {D}irect medical costs attributable to {HNSCC} care amounted to 665 million euros in 2012 in {F}rance. {T}he majority (62%) of incident patients were 64 years old or less at {HNSCC} diagnosis and incurred 1.3-fold higher mean direct costs as compared to elderly patients (41,909 vs 32,221 euros over 3 years, respectively; p<0.001). {HNSCC} stage at initial treatment was the major driver of mean ({SD}) direct costs over 3 years (p<0.001): 19,819 (23,150) euros in 31% patients diagnosed at early stage; 46,791 (34,841) euros in 60% patients diagnosed at locally advanced stage; and 43,377 (33,953) euros in 9% patients diagnosed with distant metastasis. {A}bout half patients died over 3 years at a median ({IQR}) age of 63 (56-75) years resulting in 10.9 years-of-life lost on average per incident patient. {C}onclusion: {T}he present study suggests that the clinical and economic burden of {HNSCC} is substantial in {F}rance.}, keywords = {head and neck squamous cell carcinoma ; prognosis ; costs ; burden of disease ; {N}ational {H}ospital discharge database ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linicoeconomics and {O}utcomes {R}esearch}, volume = {11}, numero = {}, pages = {441--451}, ISSN = {1178-6981}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.2147/ceor.s198312}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076249}, }