@article{fdi:010076193, title = {{S}easonal effect on spatial and temporal consistency of the new {GPM}-based {IMERG}-v5 and {GSM}a{P}-v7 satellite precipitation estimates in {B}razil's central plateau region}, author = {{S}alles, {L}. and {S}atg{\'e}, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {R}oig, {H}. and {A}lmeida, {T}. and {O}livetti, {D}. and {F}erreira, {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study assesses the performance of the new {G}lobal {P}recipitation {M}easurement ({GPM})-based satellite precipitation estimates ({SPE}s) datasets in the {B}razilian {C}entral {P}lateau and compares it with the previous {T}ropical {R}ainfall {M}easurement {M}ission ({TRMM})-era datasets. {T}o do so, the {I}ntegrated {M}ulti-satellit{E} {R}etrievals for {GPM} ({IMERG})-v5 and the {G}lobal {S}atellite {M}apping of {P}recipitation ({GSM}a{P})-v7 were evaluated at their original 0.1 degrees spatial resolution and for a 0.25 degrees grid for comparison with {TRMM} {M}ulti-satellite {P}recipitation {A}nalysis ({TMPA}). {T}he assessment was made on an annual, monthly, and daily basis for both wet and dry seasons. {O}verall, {IMERG} presents the best annual and monthly results. {I}n both time steps, {IMERG}'s precipitation estimations present bias with lower magnitudes and smaller root-mean-square error. {H}owever, {GSM}a{P} performs slightly better for the daily time step based on categorical and quantitative statistical analysis. {B}oth {IMERG} and {GSM}a{P} estimates are seasonally influenced, with the highest difficulty in estimating precipitation occurring during the dry season. {A}dditionally, the study indicates that {GPM}-based {SPE}s products are capable of continuing {TRMM}-based precipitation monitoring with similar or even better accuracy than obtained previously with the widely used {TMPA} product.}, keywords = {{IMERG} ; {GSM}a{P} ; {GPM} ; {TMPA} ; {TRMM} ; {S}atellite precipitation ; {C}errado biome ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater}, volume = {11}, numero = {4}, pages = {art. 668 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {2073-4441}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/w11040668}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076193}, }