@article{fdi:010076173, title = {{C}alibration of fish-eye lens and error estimation on fireball trajectories : application to the {FRIPON} network}, author = {{J}eanne, {S}. and {C}olas, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {Z}anda, {B}. and {B}irlan, {M}. and {V}aubaillon, {J}. and {B}ouley, {S}. and {V}ernazza, {P}. and {J}orda, {L}. and {G}attacceca, {J}. and {R}ault, {J}. {L}. and {C}arbognani, {A}. and {G}ardiol, {D}. and {L}amy, {H}. and {B}aratoux, {D}avid and {B}lanpain, {C}. and {M}algoyre, {A}. and {L}ecubin, {J}. and {M}armo, {C}. and {H}ewins, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontext. {F}ireball networks are developing over the whole planet, with the aim of recovering meteorites and at the same time determining their orbits. {T}he ultimate goal of such networks is to identify the parent bodies of meteorite families to achieve this, orbit accuracy is critical. {Y}et, the determination of an orbit relies on a long and complex reduction process including: (1) astrometry, with heavy distortion for fish-eye lenses, (2) estimation of the external bias on the observation, (3) fit of the trajectory, (4) deceleration model, and (5) actual orbit computation. {A}ims. {O}ur goal is to compute accurate trajectories with an estimate of internal and external errors as realistic as possible, taking advantage of the dense observation network {FRIPON} ({F}ireball {R}ecovery and {I}nter{P}lanetary {O}bservation {N}etwork), which comprises more than 100 cameras in {F}rance and {E}urope. {I}n particular, we pay special attention to the distortion of images due to fish-eye lenses. {I}n the present paper, we describe the analytical protocol that allows us to compute trajectories and their uncertainties. {M}ethods. {W}e developed a general distortion model to be used on the {FRIPON} fish-eye cameras. {S}uch a model needs to be accurate even at low elevation, as most fireball observations are performed low on the horizon. {T}he radial distortion is modelled by a nine-degree odd polynomial, hence by five parameters. {I}n addition, we used three parameters to describe the geometry of the camera and two for non-symmetrical distortion. {L}astly, we used a new statistical method taking systematic errors into account, which allows us to compute realistic confidence intervals. {W}e tested our method on a fireball that fell on 2017-08-94 {UT} 00:06. {R}esults. {T}he accuracy of our astrometrical model for each camera is 2 arcmin (1 sigma), but the internal error on the fireball of 2017-08-94 {UT} 00:06 measurement is 0.7 arcmin (better than 1/10 pixel). {W}e developed a method to estimate the external error considering that each station is independent and found it equal to 0.8 arcmin. {R}eal residuals are coherent with our estimation of internal and external error for each camera, which confirms the internal consistency of our method. {W}e discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this protocol.}, keywords = {astrometry ; meteorites, meteors, meteoroids}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}stronomy and {A}strophysics}, volume = {627}, numero = {}, pages = {{A}78 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {1432-0746}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1051/0004-6361/201834990}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076173}, }