@article{fdi:010076159, title = {{D}etection of a novel phlebovirus ({D}rin virus) from sand flies in {A}lbania}, author = {{B}ino, {S}. and {V}elo, {E}. and {K}adriaj, {P}. and {K}ota, {M}. and {M}oureau, {G}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}. and {B}agramian, {A}. and {C}harrel, {R}. {N}. and {A}yhan, {N}azli}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}hlebotomine sand flies are generalist vectors with significant implications for public health. {T}hey are able to transmit phleboviruses that cause sand fly fever, headaches, or meningitis in humans. {A}lbania is a country in {S}outheast {E}urope with a typical {M}editerranean climate which provides convenient conditions for the presence of sand flies. {H}ence, the circulation of phleboviruses, such as the {T}oscana and {B}alkan viruses, has been recently described in the country. {W}e followed a virus discovery approach on sand fly samples collected in 2015 and 2016 in seven regions of {A}lbania, with the aim to investigate and characterize potentially circulating phleboviruses in phlebotomine sand flies. {A} presumed novel phlebovirus was detected in a pool consisting of 24 {P}hlebotomus neglectus males. {T}he virus was provisionally named the {D}rin virus after a river near the locality of {K}ukes, where the infected sand flies were trapped. {G}enetic and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the {D}rin virus is closely related to the {C}orfou ({CFUV}) virus, isolated in the 1980s from {P}hlebotomus major sand flies on the eponymous island of {G}reece, and may also be involved in human infections because of its similarity to the sand fly fever {S}icilian virus. {T}he latter justifies further studies to specifically address this concern. {T}ogether with recent findings, this study confirms that {A}lbania and the {B}alkan peninsula are hot spots for phleboviruses.}, keywords = {phlebovirus ; sand fly-borne phleboviruses ; sand fly fever ; sand fly ; fever {S}icilian ({SFSV}) virus ; {A}lbania ; {ALBANIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}iruses}, volume = {11}, numero = {5}, pages = {art. 469 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {1999-4915}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.3390/v11050469}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010076159}, }