@article{fdi:010075998, title = {{A}mphibians and reptiles found in caves in {G}abon, western {E}quatorial {A}frica}, author = {{P}auwells, {S}.{G}. and {C}arlino, {P}. and {C}hirio, {L}. and {D}aversa, {D}.{R}. and {L}ips, {J}. and {O}slisly, {R}ichard and {T}esta, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n update is provided of current knowledge of the herpetofauna and batrachofauna recorded from caves in {G}abon, western {E}quatorial {A}frica. {N}o systematic field survey of reptiles and amphibians in {G}abonese cave environments has yet been made, and data are available for only 19 (complexes of) caves. {T}his compilation of published records and new observations includes seven reptile and at least nine amphibian species. {N}one of them is restricted to cave environments, and most of the species are adaptable ecologically, being known from pristine as well as from highly degraded environments. {A}ll of them can be regarded as trogloxenes. {D}edicated surveys, using appropriate methods, will certainly increase this species list considerably.}, keywords = {{GROTTE} ; {KARST} ; {PROSPECTION} {ARCHEOLOGIQUE} ; {FAUNE} {SAUVAGE} ; {SPELEOLOGIE} ; {BIODIVERSITE} ; {TROGLOXENE} ; {GABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ave and {K}arst {S}cience}, volume = {46}, numero = {1}, pages = {3--12}, ISSN = {1356-191{X}}, year = {2019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075998}, }