@article{fdi:010075750, title = {{A}ssessment of water quality from the {B}lue {L}agoon of {E}l {C}obre mine in {S}antiago de {C}uba : a preliminary study for water reuse}, author = {{G}amez, {O}. {R}. and {L}affont-{S}chwob, {I}. and {P}rudent, {P}. and {V}assalo, {L}. and {R}odriguez, {I}. {A}. and {M}acias, {R}. {P}. and {P}etit, {M}. {E}. and {I}barra, {A}. {T}. {A}. and {M}asotti, {V}. and {P}erraud {G}aime, {I}sabelle and {R}odriguez, {A}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he creation of pit lakes is usually an acceptable solution from the landscaping point of view for voids left by discontinued open-pit mines. {H}owever, without rehabilitation, these voids represent a potential environmental risk. {T}he aim of the present work was to assess, for the first time, the water quality, i.e., physicochemical characteristics, metal and metalloid ({MM}) content, and ecotoxicity of the waters of the {E}l {C}obre {B}lue {L}agoon, a pit lake formed in an open-pit copper mine in {C}uba. {P}otential effects of rainy season vs. dry season and spatial location (different depths) on water characteristics were considered. {R}esults revealed that water contained was moderately acidic (p{H}=4.6 +/- 0.2), with high electrical conductivity ({EC}=3.02 +/- 0.03m{S}cm(-1)), whatever the season. {D}issolved oxygen ({DO}=9.9 +/- 2.0mg{L}(-1)), total dissolved solid ({TDS}=7003 +/- 245mg{L}(-1)), and sulfate concentration (6556 +/- 1410mg{L}(-1)) in the {E}l {C}obre {B}lue {L}agoon water were above acceptable limits for sources of surface water as recommended by {C}uban standard ({NC} 1021:2014). {H}igh copper (43.6 +/- 1.7mg{L}(-1)) and manganese (24.1 +/- 1.1mg{L}(-1)) contents were detected. {E}xcept for {EC}, sulfates, chlorides, {TDS}, nitrates, and phosphates, other physicochemical parameters were stable between dry and rainy seasons (p<0.05). {E}l {C}obre {B}lue {L}agoon waters showed an ecotoxicological impact on {V}ibrio fischeri. {N}o significant differences were detected between all sampling points in the lake for each parameter monitored for a given time. {T}hese first results show the spatial homogeneity but poor quality of waters from {E}l {C}obre {B}lue {L}agoon. {R}emediation processes need to be implemented in order to lessen the human and environmental health risk and favor potential water reuse. {W}e suggest the use of constructed wetlands for water treatment. {T}his preliminary research work can serve to alert {C}uban local public authorities to the need to rehabilitate such sites.}, keywords = {{P}it lake ; {W}ater quality ; {C}opper ; {E}cotoxicology ; {H}uman health ; {S}easonal variations ; {CUBA} ; {SANTIAGO} {DE} {CUBA} ; {EL} {COBRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {26}, numero = {16}, pages = {16366--16377}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-019-05030-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075750}, }