@article{fdi:010075635, title = {{D}ifferential response to water deficit stress and shade of two wheat ({T}riticum durum desf.) cultivars : growth, water relations, osmolyte accumulation and photosynthetic pigments}, author = {{G}harbi, {F}. and {G}uizani, {A}. and {Z}ribi, {L}. and {B}en {A}hmed, {H}. and {M}ouillot, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study was conducted to investigate the effects of water deficit stress and shading on two wheat cultivars ({T}riticum durum {D}esf. cv {O}m {R}abiaa and cv {M}aali). {C}omparison was based on growth, leaf water relations, photosynthetic pigments and the accumulation of organic solute. {I}n both cultivars, water stress deficit significantly decreased total dry mass ({TDM}), leaf area ({LA}), water potential ({P}si w), osmotic potential ({P}si pi) and relative water content ({RWC}). {P}hotosynthetic pigments, i.e. chlorophyll a ({C}hl a), chlorophyll b ({C}hl b) and total chlorophyll ({T}ot {C}hl), decreased while carotenoids (car) increased. {P}roline concentration increased significantly in water stressed plants under full light conditions while sugar accumulated more under shade conditions. {I}n addition, shade improved leaf area, leaf water potential, and osmotic potential as well as alleviated the negative drought impact on photosynthesis performance. {F}or the {M}aali cultivar, the reduction in {RWC} and its inability to achieve osmotic adjustment ({OA}) emphasize this cultivar's sensitivity to water deficit stress. {F}or the {O}m {R}abiaa cultivar, the ability to avoid relative tissue dehydration and preserve a higher {RWC} with a significant increase in {OA} in shade-treated plants were tolerance mechanisms enabling this cultivar to absorb water effectively and sustain normal growth and productivity under water stress conditions.}, keywords = {{D}rought ; {O}smotic adjustment ; {RWC} ; {S}hading ; {W}heat cultivar ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE} ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}akistan {J}ournal of {B}otany}, volume = {51}, numero = {4}, pages = {1179--1184}, ISSN = {0556-3321}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.30848/pjb2019-4(4)}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075635}, }