@article{fdi:010075619, title = {{C}haracterization and comparison of poorly known moth communities through {DNA} barcoding in two {A}frotropical environments in {G}abon}, author = {{D}elabye, {S}. and {R}ougerie, {R}. and {B}ayendi, {S}. and {A}ndeime-{E}yene, {M}. and {Z}akharov, {E}. {V}. and de{W}aard, {J}. {R}. and {H}ebert, {P}. {D}. {N}. and {K}amgang, {R}. and {L}e {G}all, {P}hilippe and {L}opez-{V}aamonde, {C}. and {M}avoungou, {J}. {F}. and {M}oussavou, {G}. and {M}oulin, {N}. and {O}slisly, {R}ichard and {R}ahola, {N}il and {S}ebag, {D}avid and {D}ecaens, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iodiversity research in tropical ecosystems-popularized as the most biodiverse habitats on {E}arth-often neglects invertebrates, yet invertebrates represent the bulk of local species richness. {I}nsect communities in particular remain strongly impeded by both {L}innaean and {W}allacean shortfalls, and identifying species often remains a formidable challenge inhibiting the use of these organisms as indicators for ecological and conservation studies. {H}ere we use {DNA} barcoding as an alternative to the traditional taxonomic approach for characterizing and comparing the diversity of moth communities in two different ecosystems in {G}abon. {T}hough sampling remains very incomplete, as evidenced by the high proportion (59%) of species represented by singletons, our results reveal an outstanding diversity. {W}ith about 3500 specimens sequenced and representing 1385 {BIN}s ({B}arcode {I}ndex {N}umbers, used as a proxy to species) in 23 families, the diversity of moths in the two sites sampled is higher than the current number of species listed for the entire country, highlighting the huge gap in biodiversity knowledge for this country. {B}oth seasonal and spatial turnovers are strikingly high (18.3% of {BIN}s shared between seasons, and 13.3% between sites) and draw attention to the need to account for these when running regional surveys. {O}ur results also highlight the richness and singularity of savannah environments and emphasize the status of {C}entral {A}frican ecosystems as hotspots of biodiversity.}, keywords = {community ecology ; {DNA} barcodes ; {L}epidoptera ; taxonomic deficit ; tropical {A}frica ; {GABON} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enome}, volume = {62}, numero = {3}, pages = {96--107}, ISSN = {0831-2796}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1139/gen-2018-0063}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075619}, }