@article{fdi:010075606, title = {{B}iofunctool ({R}) : a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. {P}art {B} : investigating the impact of land management of rubber plantations on soil quality with the {B}iofunctool ({R}) index}, author = {{T}houmazeau, {A}. and {B}essou, {C}. and {R}enevier, {M}. {S}. and {P}anklang, {P}. and {P}uttaso, {P}. and {P}eerawat, {M}. and {H}eepngoen, {P}. and {P}olwong, {P}. and {K}oonklang, {N}. and {S}doodee, {S}. and {C}hantuma, {P}. and {L}awongsa, {P}. and {N}imkingrat, {P}. and {T}haler, {P}. and {G}ay, {F}. and {B}rauman, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iofunctool ({R}) is a new framework for assessing the impact of land management on soil quality - defined as the capacity of the soil to function. {B}iofunctool ({R}). uses a set of twelve indicators to monitor changes in three key soil functions: carbon transformation, nutrient cycling and structure maintenance (part {A}). {I}nformation from all the indicators is integrated in a {S}oil {Q}uality {I}ndex using multivariate analysis ({PCA}) weighting. {W}e used {B}iofunctool ({R}) to assess the impact of land use, land use change and agricultural practices on soil quality. {T}he {B}iofunctool ({R}) index was measured for soils in {T}hailand within rubber plantations, forests and intensive cash crops (cassava and sugar cane). {T}he results demonstrate that the {B}iofunctool ({R}) index provides an aggregated synthetic soil functioning score that is sensitive to land management and is robust in various pedo-climatic contexts. {F}irstly, the index revealed the impact on soil of land conversion from annual cropping to rubber plantations and ranked the effect on soil with respect to a natural forest reference. {S}econdly, it showed the positive effect of legume cover-crops on soil functioning. {T}hirdly, it highlighted a trend of improving soil quality with increasing age of rubber plantations, in contrasted pedo-climatic contexts. {I}t is concluded that the {B}iofunctool ({R}) index is a reliable and relevant descriptor of integrated soil functioning (i.e. soil quality) that could be useful for environmental impact assessment at regional to global scales.}, keywords = {{B}iofunctool ({R}) index ; {S}oil {Q}uality {I}ndex ; {I}ndicators ; {L}and management ; {R}ubber plantation ; {THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {I}ndicators}, volume = {97}, numero = {}, pages = {429--437}, ISSN = {1470-160{X}}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.10.028}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075606}, }