@article{fdi:010075563, title = {{I}mproved processing for the production of cereal-based fermented porridge enriched in folate using selected lactic acid bacteria and a back slopping process}, author = {{B}ationo, {F}. and {S}ongre-{O}uattara, {L}. {T}. and {H}emery, {Y}ouna and {H}ama-{B}a, {F}. and {P}arkouda, {C}. and {C}hapron, {M}. and {L}e {M}errer, {M}anon and {L}econte, {N}. and {S}awadogo-{L}ingani, {H}. and {D}iawara, {B}. and {H}umblot, {C}hrist{\`e}le}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective was to study the effect of two selected lactic acid bacteria, {L}actobacillus plantarum 6.2 and {L}actobacillus ferment= 8.2, on folate production in a cereal-based fermented porridge called ben-saalga. {W}e profited from previous improvements in processing to produce porridges with higher energy content, by including a combination of precooking and inoculation with amylolytic strains ({L}actobacillus plantar= {A}6 or {L}actobacillus ferment= {MW}2), which we combined with the folate producing strains. {F}or comparison with the action of natural microbiota, fermentation was performed by traditional and back slopping process. {F}olate contents were determined microbiologically. {P}orridges prepared with starter cultures {L} plantarran 6.2 + {L}. fermenturn {MW}2 or {L}. ferment= 8.2 + {L} plantarwn {A}6 had significantly higher (p < 0.05) folate contents (7.1 and 7.3 mu g/100 g fresh matter respectively) than the porridge prepared using the traditional process (4.2 mu g/100 g fresh matter). {B}ack slopping also enabled an interesting increase in folate contents (6.1 mu g/100 g fresh matter, p < 0.05). {F}ive minutes of cooking had no significant impact on folate contents of the porridges. {T}hese results underline the feasibility of new ways to produce folate rich foods available to the poorest populations using local materials with slight modification of the processes.}, keywords = {{C}ereal ; {F}ermentation ; {F}olate ; {L}actobacillus fermentum ; {L}actobacillus plantarum ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {OUAGADOUGOU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{LWT}-{F}ood {S}cience and {T}echnology}, volume = {106}, numero = {}, pages = {172--178}, ISSN = {0023-6438}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1016/j.lwt.2019.02.048}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010075563}, }